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Department of Psychology

Name Office phone Job titles
Ayat Abdurahman PhD student
James Ackland PhD student
Abigail Agyemang PhD Student
Juho Äijälä PhD Student
Dr Victor Ajuwon Research Associate, Comparative Cognition Lab, va354[at]
Dr Felippe Espinelli Amorim Research Associate
John Anderson Computer Officer
Dr Stephanie Archer University Associate Professor, saa71[at]
Anat Arzi Visiting Researcher
Saloni Atal PhD student
Chloe Austerberry Research Associate
Matthew Bailey PhD Student
Matea Balabanovska PhD student
Dr Paula Banca +44 (0)1223 (3)30272 Wellcome Trust Fellow
Louise Catheryne Barne Research Associate
Katie Barnes Research Grants Administrator
Professor Simon Baron-Cohen Professor of Developmental Psychopathology, Director, Autism Research Centre (ARC), Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge, sb205[at]
Professor Paul Bays Professor of Computation and Cognition, pmb20[at]
Alexandra (Saashi) Bedford Research Associate
Associate Professor Tristan Bekinschtein Professor of Consciousness and Cognition, tb419[at]
Professor David Belin Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience, Fellow and Director of Study for PBS, of Homerton College, bdb26[at]
Sonja Belkin MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology)
Johann Benerradi Research Associate
Shaira Berg PhD student
John Bernstein MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology)
Sarah Berry Research Programme Manager – Adaptive Brain Lab, abg[at]
Dr Richard Bethlehem University Assistant Professor, rb643[at]
Giacomo Bignardi Research Associate
Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore Professor of Psychology, Deputy Head of Department (Research),
Borja Blanco Research Associate
Professor Johan J. Bolhuis Affiliated Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Honorary Fellow, St Catharine’s College, Professor of Cognitive Neurobiology, Utrecht University
Dr Daniel Bor Visitor
Dr Mirjana Bozic +44 (0)1223 (3)33578 University Associate Professor, Fellow and Director of Studies in Psychological and Behavioural Sciences, King's College, Cambridge, mb383[at]
Lindsay Lorraine Branham PhD Candidate
Dr. Georgina Browne Affiliated Lecturer
Laura Carnevali Research Associate
Alejandro Chandia Jorquera PhD student
Rosemary Chandler-Wilde Research Assistant
Luke Cheesbrough +44 (0)1223 (3)33552 PA to Head of Department and Departmental Administrator
Dr Lucy Cheke +44 (0)1223 (3)39549 (Department) Professor of Experimental Psychology, Director of Studies for Psychological and Behavioural Sciences, Sidney Sussex College, lgc23[at]
Yixin Chen MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology)
Chloe Chernoff PhD student
Luis Ciria Marie Curie Fellow
Professor Nicola S. Clayton +44 (0)1223 (3)33559 (Department) Professor of Comparative Cognition, Scientist in Residence at Rambert, Co-founder of The Captured Thought, nsc22[at]
Reanna Clune Research Assistant
Dr Morgane Colom Visitor
Jessica Corneille PhD student
Francesca Cornero PhD Student
Noelia Corral Ferre Project Coordinator
Dr Hana D'Souza Affiliated Lecturer
Professor Jeff Dalley +44 (0)1223 (7)65291/(0)1223 (7)66791/(0)1223 (3)38318 (St Catherine's College) Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience (jointly with the Department of Psychiatry), Director of Studies in Neuroscience and Psychology, St Catharine’s College, jwd20[at]
Dr Greg Davis +44 (0)1223 (7)65231 University Associate Professor, gjd1000[at]
Samuel Day Finance Coordinator
Sara De Felice Research Associate
Dr Lee de Wit Assistant Professor, Deputy Head (Undergraduate Education), lhd26[at]
Professor Anthony Dickinson +44 (0)1223 (3)33577 Emeritus Professor of Comparative Psychology
Helen Dolling PhD Student
Chao Dong Research Associate
Dr Ryan Doran Visitor
Jamie G. DuBois PhD student
William Duckett PhD student
Professor Barry J Everitt +44 (0)1223 (3)33583/(0)1223 (7)65286 (Department)/(0)1223 (3)34806 (Downing College) Emeritus Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience, Director of Research, Provost, Gates Cambridge Trust
Dr Gail Ewing
Peter Fanning HR Administrator
Viviana Fascianella +44 (0)1223 (7)67510 Research Centre Manager (CNE)
Professor Pasco Fearon Director of the Centre of Family Research, Professor of Family Research, pf380[at]
Sophie Fielmann PhD Student
Dr Sheila Flanagan Research Associate
Xiwen Fu PhD student
Vedavasu Gamidi IT Specialist (Adaptive Brain Lab)
Dr Jane Garrison Assistant Professor, Director of Studies, Queens College., jrg60[at]
Zahara Girones Visitor
James Glasberg +44 (0)1223 (3)33568 Senior Chief Building Services Technician
Professor Susan Golombok +44 (0)1223 (3)34511 (Department) / +44 (0)1223 (3)35736 (Newnham Office)
Professor Usha Goswami +44 (0)1223 (7)67635 Professor of Cognitive Developmental Neuroscience, Director, Centre for Neuroscience in Education, Fellow, St John's College, Cambridge, ucg10[at]
Louise Gray Executive Assistant and Engagement Officer
Isobel Greenhalgh PhD student
Lara Greening PhD student
Dr Andrea Greve Teaching Associate
Kristian Grimeland PhD student
Ye Gu PhD student
Calum Guinea PhD student
Professor Mark P Haggard Emeritus Professor, Department of Psychology
Emily Harris PhD Student
Glenn Harrison 01223 (3)33555 Electronics Workshop Technician
Ceejay Hayes Project Coordinator
Mairead Healy PhD student
Friederike Hedley PhD student
Dr Jean Anne Heng Postdoctoral Fellow
Matthew Hilton MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology)
Professor Melissa Hines +44 (0)1223 (3)34575 (Department) / +44 (0)1223 (3)36117 (Churchill College) Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge, mh504[at]
Petra Georgoulis Hluzova +44 (0)1223(3)33575 Research Grant Manager
Agnes Ho Teaching Office Manager
Professor Claire Hughes Office Phone: +44 (0)1223 (3)34517 Directors of Studies Coordinator and Subject Convenor (PBS Tripos), Deputy Director, Centre for Family Research, Deputy Head (Wellbeing, Equality and Diversity), Fellow of Newnham College, Cambridge, ch288[at]
Tristan Hynes Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow
Joseph Innes PhD Student
Stefanos Ioannou Research Assistant
Dr Nazia Jassim Research Associate
Professor Mark Johnson +44 (0)1223 (3)30680 Head of Department
Dhaval Joshi Research Associate
Dr Kamila Maria Jozwik Research Associate, Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellow
Andreas Kapounek PhD student
Mahmoud Keshavarzi PhD student
Mahmoud Keshavarzi Research Associate
Professor Zoe Kourtzi +44 (0)1223 (7)66558 Professor of Experimental Psychology, zk240[at]
Samika Kumar PhD student
Anathi Kwinana PhD student
Yara Kyrychenko PhD Student
Claudia Lage PhD student
Professor Michael Lamb Emeritus Professor , Emeritus Fellow, Editor, Journal of Psychology, Public Policy and Law., Former President and Council Representative, Division 7 (Developmental Psychology), American Psychological Association.
Willa Lane PhD student
Neil Lavie-Driver PhD student
Dr Rebecca Lawson Professor of Neuroscience and Computational Psychiatry, Sir Henry Dale Fellow, Bye-Fellow at PeterHouse College, rl337[at]
Pui in Charmaine Lee MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology)
Kieran Lee 07766578613 PhD student
Evan Lewis-Healey PhD student
Liz (Yuanxi) Li Research Associate
Keith Liang PhD Student
Kate Limond Teaching and General Office Administrator
Lynne Ling PhD student
Professor Brian Little Distinguished Scholar
Qiying Liu PhD student
Dr Sarah Lloyd-Fox Principle Research Associate, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, sl868[at]
Fiona Lyall Grant +44 (0)1223 (3)30782 Assistant Department Administrator and HR Coordinator
Xiangyi Ma Research Assistant
Dr Anakin Mallick MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology)
Dr Kanad Mandke Research Associate
Courtney Mansfield Research Associate
Malia Marks PhD student
Matthew Marshall Research Assistant
Professor William Marslen-Wilson +44 (0)1223 (7)66975 Emeritus Honorary Professor of Language and Cognition
Julia Maybury PhD student
Tommy McConnell Research Assistant
Emily McKendrick Research Associate
Jessica McMaster PhD Student
Mishika Mehrotra PhD student
Dr Rachael Miller (Harrison) Visitor
Professor Amy Milton +44 (0)1223 (3)33593 (Department) / +44 (0)1223 (3)34853 (Downing College) University Associate Professor, Ferreras-Willetts Fellow in Neuroscience, Downing College, Cambridge, alm46[at]
Samantha Mitchell PhD student
Professor John Mollon +44 (0)1223 (3)33581 (Department) / +44 (0)1223 (3)39691 (Gonville and Caius College) Professor of Visual Neuroscience, College Lecturer and Director of Studies in Psychology, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, jm123[at]
Marcella Montagnese Research Associate
Professor Brian C. J. Moore +44 (0)1223 (3)33574 Emeritus Professor of Auditory Perception
Phenyo Morakanyane Research Assistant
Dr Thomas Murray Research Associate
Rebecca Myers PhD student
Rachel O' Boyle MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology)
Rachel O' Boyle MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology)
Aoife O' Flynn PhD student
Bünyamin Emin Palanci MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology)
Clara Pecci Terroba PhD student
Tianyi Pei PhD student
Tijana Pelly Research Grants Coordinator
Jeffery Robert Lee Pendleton +44 7749 708821 PhD student
Nikolay Petrov PhD student
Thomas Petty PhD student
Luise Pickenhan PhD Student
Blanca Piera Pi Sunyer PhD student
Dr Kate Plaisted-Grant +44 (0)1223 (7)66483 (Department) / +44 (0)1223 (3)38753 (St John's College) University Senior Lecturer, Fellow and Director of Studies in Experimental Psychology and Evolution and Behaviour, St John's College, Cambridge, k.plaisted[at]
Lucia Marti Prats Research Associate
Professor Deborah Prentice Vice-Chancellor, Professor of Social Psychology
Mickaël Puaud Research Assistant
Sara Rashid PhD Student
Julia Rathmann-Bloch PhD student
Florence Rawlings-Mortimer Research Associate
Miriam Remshard PhD student
Professor Jason Rentfrow Office Phone: +44 (0)1223 (7)67805 Professor of Personality & Individual Differences, Director of Studies in PBS, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, Director of Graduate Education, pjr39[at]
Adam Rhodes PhD Student
Professor Martin Richards +44 (0)1223 (3)34539 (Department) Emeritus Professor
Professor Trevor W. Robbins +44 (0)1223 (3)33551 Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Director of Research, Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute
Harry Robson PhD Student
Dr Jacob Rode Teaching Associate, jbr52[at]
Marina Rodriguez Lopez PhD student
Dr Jon Roozenbeek Affiliate Lecturer in Psychology, Cambridge Social Decision-Making Laboratory
Maria Rozhko PhD Student
Charlotte Rye PhD student
Chloe Sainsbury PhD student
Dr Elizabeth Savage Assistant Archivist
Professor Simone Schnall Office Phone: +44 (0)1223 (3)34529 Professor of Experimental Social Psychology, Fellow and Director of Studies in Psychology, Jesus College, ss877[at]
Dr Claudia R Schneider Research Associate, Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication, Cambridge Social Decision-Making Laboratory, By-Fellow, Churchill College, Research interests: , Applied social experimental psychology, decision making, prosocial behavior change, climate change mitigation, intergroup conflict
Dr Julia Schwarz Teaching Associate, js2275[at]
Dr Susanne Schweizer Visitor
Jamie Scott PhD Student
Sara Seddon 01223 (3)33550 Receptionist
Gregory Serapio-Garcia PhD student
Nina Shcheglova Research Lab Technician
Yining Shi PhD student
Elze Sigute Mikalonyte Research Associate
Jo Simmonds +44 (0)1223 (3)33936 Head of Administration
Professor Jon Simons Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Acting Head of the School of Biological Sciences, Fellow, Emmanuel College
Festus Slade Research Associate
Benjamin Slater PhD student
Dr Jasmina Stevanov Research Associate
Laura Stolp PhD Student
Jian Sun PhD student
Professor Dénes Szücs +44 (0)1223 (7)67636 Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Fellow, Darwin College, Cambridge, Deputy Director, Centre for Neuroscience in Education, ds377[at]
Dr Chie Takahashi Visitor
Dr Deborah Talmi 01223 333584 University Associate Professor, Fellow of Lucy Cavendish College, dt492[at]
Yuen Pui (Cathy) Tam PhD student
Nicole Tan PhD student
Lisa-Maria Tanase PhD Student
Jonrobert Tartaglione PhD Student
Ellen Taylor-Bower PhD Student
Stéphen Theron-Grimaldi PhD Student
Kirsten Thomas PhD student
Adam Timulak PhD student
Livia Tomova Visitor
Emily Towner PhD Student
Cecilie Traberg PhD student
Adam Triabhall PhD student
Professor Lorraine K. Tyler +44 (0)1223 (7)66457 Head of Centre for Speech, Language and the Brain, Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Fellow of Clare College
Dr Beyza Ustun-Elayan Research Associate
Jessica van de Grint PhD Student
Professor Sander van der Linden +44 (0)1223 (3)30398 (Department) Professor of Social Psychology in Society, Director, Cambridge Social Decision-Making Laboratory, Fellow in Psychology, Churchill College , sander.vanderlinden[at]
Nelson Vazhappilly Finance Assistant
Dr Clara Velazquez Sanchez Research Associate
Tomasz Waldoch IT Manager
Jingkang Wang PhD student
Alina Wanitzek +44 (0)1223 (3)33554 Librarian and Webmaster
Laetitia Ward PhD student
Dr Varun Warrier Assistant Professor, vw260[at]
Matthew Weatherhead PhD student
David Webb Senior Building Services Coordinator
Staci Weiss Visitor
Stella Wernicke PhD student
Professor Clive Wilkins Artist in Residence, Department of Psychology, Co-founder of The Captured Thought
Livia Wilod Versprille PhD student
Siu Wong PhD student
Dr Emma Woodberry Affiliated Lecturer
Dr Alexandra Woolgar Professor in Integrative & Systems Neuroscience,
Bowen Xiao (Eddie) PhD student
Yanzhi Xu PhD student
Ming Ye PhD student
Sabine Yeung PhD Student
David Young Research Associate
Larysa Zasiekina Visiting Scholar
Zsofia Zavecz Research Associate
Margherita Zenoni PhD student
Yuwei Zhang Visitor
Seraphina Zhang PhD student
Xuanci Zheng Research Assistant
Leor Zmigrod Visiting Fellow (Churchill College)