Ayat Abdurahman |
PhD student |
James Ackland |
PhD student |
Abigail Agyemang |
PhD Student |
Juho Äijälä |
PhD Student |
Dr Victor Ajuwon |
Research Associate, Comparative Cognition Lab, va354[at]cam.ac.uk |
Dr Felippe Espinelli Amorim |
Research Associate |
John Anderson |
Computer Officer |
Dr Stephanie Archer |
University Associate Professor, saa71[at]cam.ac.uk |
Anat Arzi |
Visiting Researcher |
Saloni Atal |
PhD student |
Chloe Austerberry |
Research Associate |
Matthew Bailey |
PhD Student |
Matea Balabanovska |
PhD student |
Dr Paula Banca |
+44 (0)1223 (3)30272 |
Wellcome Trust Fellow |
Louise Catheryne Barne |
Research Associate |
Katie Barnes |
Research Grants Administrator |
Professor Simon Baron-Cohen |
Professor of Developmental Psychopathology, Director, Autism Research Centre (ARC), Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge, sb205[at]cam.ac.uk |
Professor Paul Bays |
Professor of Computation and Cognition, pmb20[at]cam.ac.uk |
Alexandra (Saashi) Bedford |
Research Associate |
Associate Professor Tristan Bekinschtein |
Professor of Consciousness and Cognition, tb419[at]cam.ac.uk |
Professor David Belin |
Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience, Fellow and Director of Study for PBS, of Homerton College, bdb26[at]cam.ac.uk |
Sonja Belkin |
MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology) |
Johann Benerradi |
Research Associate |
Shaira Berg |
PhD student |
John Bernstein |
MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology) |
Sarah Berry |
Research Programme Manager – Adaptive Brain Lab, abg[at]psychol.cam.ac.uk |
Dr Richard Bethlehem |
University Assistant Professor, rb643[at]cam.ac.uk |
Giacomo Bignardi |
Research Associate |
Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore |
Professor of Psychology, Deputy Head of Department (Research), sjblakemore@psychol.cam.ac.uk |
Borja Blanco |
Research Associate |
Professor Johan J. Bolhuis |
Affiliated Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Honorary Fellow, St Catharine’s College, Professor of Cognitive Neurobiology, Utrecht University |
Dr Daniel Bor |
Visitor |
Dr Mirjana Bozic |
+44 (0)1223 (3)33578 |
University Associate Professor, Fellow and Director of Studies in Psychological and Behavioural Sciences, King's College, Cambridge, mb383[at]cam.ac.uk |
Lindsay Lorraine Branham |
PhD Candidate |
Dr. Georgina Browne |
Affiliated Lecturer |
Laura Carnevali |
Research Associate |
Alejandro Chandia Jorquera |
PhD student |
Rosemary Chandler-Wilde |
Research Assistant |
Luke Cheesbrough |
+44 (0)1223 (3)33552 |
PA to Head of Department and Departmental Administrator |
Dr Lucy Cheke |
+44 (0)1223 (3)39549 (Department) |
Professor of Experimental Psychology, Director of Studies for Psychological and Behavioural Sciences, Sidney Sussex College, lgc23[at]cam.ac.uk |
Yixin Chen |
MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology) |
Chloe Chernoff |
PhD student |
Luis Ciria |
Marie Curie Fellow |
Professor Nicola S. Clayton |
+44 (0)1223 (3)33559 (Department) |
Professor of Comparative Cognition, Scientist in Residence at Rambert, Co-founder of The Captured Thought, nsc22[at]cam.ac.uk |
Reanna Clune |
Research Assistant |
Dr Morgane Colom |
Visitor |
Jessica Corneille |
PhD student |
Francesca Cornero |
PhD Student |
Noelia Corral Ferre |
Project Coordinator |
Dr Hana D'Souza |
Affiliated Lecturer |
Professor Jeff Dalley |
+44 (0)1223 (7)65291/(0)1223 (7)66791/(0)1223 (3)38318 (St Catherine's College) |
Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience (jointly with the Department of Psychiatry), Director of Studies in Neuroscience and Psychology, St Catharine’s College, jwd20[at]cam.ac.uk |
Dr Greg Davis |
+44 (0)1223 (7)65231 |
University Associate Professor, gjd1000[at]cam.ac.uk |
Samuel Day |
Finance Coordinator |
Sara De Felice |
Research Associate |
Dr Lee de Wit |
Assistant Professor, Deputy Head (Undergraduate Education), lhd26[at]cam.ac.uk |
Professor Anthony Dickinson |
+44 (0)1223 (3)33577 |
Emeritus Professor of Comparative Psychology |
Helen Dolling |
PhD Student |
Chao Dong |
Research Associate |
Dr Ryan Doran |
Visitor |
Jamie G. DuBois |
PhD student |
William Duckett |
PhD student |
Professor Barry J Everitt |
+44 (0)1223 (3)33583/(0)1223 (7)65286 (Department)/(0)1223 (3)34806 (Downing College) |
Emeritus Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience, Director of Research, Provost, Gates Cambridge Trust |
Dr Gail Ewing |
Peter Fanning |
HR Administrator |
Viviana Fascianella |
+44 (0)1223 (7)67510 |
Research Centre Manager (CNE) |
Professor Pasco Fearon |
Director of the Centre of Family Research, Professor of Family Research, pf380[at]cam.ac.uk |
Sophie Fielmann |
PhD Student |
Dr Sheila Flanagan |
Research Associate |
Xiwen Fu |
PhD student |
Vedavasu Gamidi |
IT Specialist (Adaptive Brain Lab) |
Dr Jane Garrison |
Assistant Professor, Director of Studies, Queens College., jrg60[at]cam.ac.uk |
Zahara Girones |
Visitor |
James Glasberg |
+44 (0)1223 (3)33568 |
Senior Chief Building Services Technician |
Professor Susan Golombok |
+44 (0)1223 (3)34511 (Department) / +44 (0)1223 (3)35736 (Newnham Office) |
Professor Usha Goswami |
+44 (0)1223 (7)67635 |
Professor of Cognitive Developmental Neuroscience, Director, Centre for Neuroscience in Education, Fellow, St John's College, Cambridge, ucg10[at]cam.ac.uk |
Louise Gray |
Executive Assistant and Engagement Officer |
Isobel Greenhalgh |
PhD student |
Lara Greening |
PhD student |
Dr Andrea Greve |
Teaching Associate |
Kristian Grimeland |
PhD student |
Ye Gu |
PhD student |
Calum Guinea |
PhD student |
Professor Mark P Haggard |
Emeritus Professor, Department of Psychology |
Emily Harris |
PhD Student |
Glenn Harrison |
01223 (3)33555 |
Electronics Workshop Technician |
Ceejay Hayes |
Project Coordinator |
Mairead Healy |
PhD student |
Friederike Hedley |
PhD student |
Dr Jean Anne Heng |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Matthew Hilton |
MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology) |
Professor Melissa Hines |
+44 (0)1223 (3)34575 (Department) / +44 (0)1223 (3)36117 (Churchill College) |
Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge, mh504[at]cam.ac.uk |
Petra Georgoulis Hluzova |
+44 (0)1223(3)33575 |
Research Grant Manager |
Agnes Ho |
Teaching Office Manager |
Professor Claire Hughes |
Office Phone: +44 (0)1223 (3)34517 |
Directors of Studies Coordinator and Subject Convenor (PBS Tripos), Deputy Director, Centre for Family Research, Deputy Head (Wellbeing, Equality and Diversity), Fellow of Newnham College, Cambridge, ch288[at]cam.ac.uk |
Tristan Hynes |
Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow |
Joseph Innes |
PhD Student |
Stefanos Ioannou |
Research Assistant |
Dr Nazia Jassim |
Research Associate |
Professor Mark Johnson |
+44 (0)1223 (3)30680 |
Head of Department |
Dhaval Joshi |
Research Associate |
Dr Kamila Maria Jozwik |
Research Associate, Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellow |
Andreas Kapounek |
PhD student |
Mahmoud Keshavarzi |
PhD student |
Mahmoud Keshavarzi |
Research Associate |
Professor Zoe Kourtzi |
+44 (0)1223 (7)66558 |
Professor of Experimental Psychology, zk240[at]cam.ac.uk |
Samika Kumar |
PhD student |
Anathi Kwinana |
PhD student |
Yara Kyrychenko |
PhD Student |
Claudia Lage |
PhD student |
Professor Michael Lamb |
Emeritus Professor , Emeritus Fellow, Editor, Journal of Psychology, Public Policy and Law., Former President and Council Representative, Division 7 (Developmental Psychology), American Psychological Association. |
Willa Lane |
PhD student |
Neil Lavie-Driver |
PhD student |
Dr Rebecca Lawson |
Professor of Neuroscience and Computational Psychiatry, Sir Henry Dale Fellow, Bye-Fellow at PeterHouse College, rl337[at]cam.ac.uk |
Pui in Charmaine Lee |
MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology) |
Kieran Lee |
07766578613 |
PhD student |
Evan Lewis-Healey |
PhD student |
Liz (Yuanxi) Li |
Research Associate |
Keith Liang |
PhD Student |
Kate Limond |
Teaching and General Office Administrator |
Lynne Ling |
PhD student |
Professor Brian Little |
Distinguished Scholar |
Qiying Liu |
PhD student |
Dr Sarah Lloyd-Fox |
Principle Research Associate, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, sl868[at]cam.ac.uk |
Fiona Lyall Grant |
+44 (0)1223 (3)30782 |
Assistant Department Administrator and HR Coordinator |
Xiangyi Ma |
Research Assistant |
Dr Anakin Mallick |
MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology) |
Dr Kanad Mandke |
Research Associate |
Courtney Mansfield |
Research Associate |
Malia Marks |
PhD student |
Matthew Marshall |
Research Assistant |
Professor William Marslen-Wilson |
+44 (0)1223 (7)66975 |
Emeritus Honorary Professor of Language and Cognition |
Julia Maybury |
PhD student |
Tommy McConnell |
Research Assistant |
Emily McKendrick |
Research Associate |
Jessica McMaster |
PhD Student |
Mishika Mehrotra |
PhD student |
Dr Rachael Miller (Harrison) |
Visitor |
Professor Amy Milton |
+44 (0)1223 (3)33593 (Department) / +44 (0)1223 (3)34853 (Downing College) |
University Associate Professor, Ferreras-Willetts Fellow in Neuroscience, Downing College, Cambridge, alm46[at]cam.ac.uk |
Samantha Mitchell |
PhD student |
Professor John Mollon |
+44 (0)1223 (3)33581 (Department) / +44 (0)1223 (3)39691 (Gonville and Caius College) |
Professor of Visual Neuroscience, College Lecturer and Director of Studies in Psychology, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, jm123[at]cam.ac.uk |
Marcella Montagnese |
Research Associate |
Professor Brian C. J. Moore |
+44 (0)1223 (3)33574 |
Emeritus Professor of Auditory Perception |
Phenyo Morakanyane |
Research Assistant |
Dr Thomas Murray |
Research Associate |
Rebecca Myers |
PhD student |
Rachel O' Boyle |
MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology) |
Rachel O' Boyle |
MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology) |
Aoife O' Flynn |
PhD student |
Bünyamin Emin Palanci |
MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology) |
Clara Pecci Terroba |
PhD student |
Tianyi Pei |
PhD student |
Tijana Pelly |
Research Grants Coordinator |
Jeffery Robert Lee Pendleton |
+44 7749 708821 |
PhD student |
Nikolay Petrov |
PhD student |
Thomas Petty |
PhD student |
Luise Pickenhan |
PhD Student |
Blanca Piera Pi Sunyer |
PhD student |
Dr Kate Plaisted-Grant |
+44 (0)1223 (7)66483 (Department) / +44 (0)1223 (3)38753 (St John's College) |
University Senior Lecturer, Fellow and Director of Studies in Experimental Psychology and Evolution and Behaviour, St John's College, Cambridge, k.plaisted[at]psychol.cam.ac.uk |
Lucia Marti Prats |
Research Associate |
Professor Deborah Prentice |
Vice-Chancellor, Professor of Social Psychology |
Mickaël Puaud |
Research Assistant |
Sara Rashid |
PhD Student |
Julia Rathmann-Bloch |
PhD student |
Florence Rawlings-Mortimer |
Research Associate |
Miriam Remshard |
PhD student |
Professor Jason Rentfrow |
Office Phone: +44 (0)1223 (7)67805 |
Professor of Personality & Individual Differences, Director of Studies in PBS, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, Director of Graduate Education, pjr39[at]cam.ac.uk |
Adam Rhodes |
PhD Student |
Professor Martin Richards |
+44 (0)1223 (3)34539 (Department) |
Emeritus Professor |
Professor Trevor W. Robbins |
+44 (0)1223 (3)33551 |
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Director of Research, Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute |
Harry Robson |
PhD Student |
Dr Jacob Rode |
Teaching Associate, jbr52[at]cam.ac.uk |
Marina Rodriguez Lopez |
PhD student |
Dr Jon Roozenbeek |
Affiliate Lecturer in Psychology, Cambridge Social Decision-Making Laboratory |
Maria Rozhko |
PhD Student |
Charlotte Rye |
PhD student |
Chloe Sainsbury |
PhD student |
Dr Elizabeth Savage |
Assistant Archivist |
Professor Simone Schnall |
Office Phone: +44 (0)1223 (3)34529 |
Professor of Experimental Social Psychology, Fellow and Director of Studies in Psychology, Jesus College, ss877[at]cam.ac.uk |
Dr Claudia R Schneider |
Research Associate, Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication, Cambridge Social Decision-Making Laboratory, By-Fellow, Churchill College, Research interests: , Applied social experimental psychology, decision making, prosocial behavior change, climate change mitigation, intergroup conflict |
Dr Julia Schwarz |
Teaching Associate, js2275[at]cam.ac.uk |
Dr Susanne Schweizer |
Visitor |
Jamie Scott |
PhD Student |
Sara Seddon |
01223 (3)33550 |
Receptionist |
Gregory Serapio-Garcia |
PhD student |
Nina Shcheglova |
Research Lab Technician |
Yining Shi |
PhD student |
Elze Sigute Mikalonyte |
Research Associate |
Jo Simmonds |
+44 (0)1223 (3)33936 |
Head of Administration |
Professor Jon Simons |
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Acting Head of the School of Biological Sciences, Fellow, Emmanuel College |
Festus Slade |
Research Associate |
Benjamin Slater |
PhD student |
Dr Jasmina Stevanov |
Research Associate |
Laura Stolp |
PhD Student |
Jian Sun |
PhD student |
Professor Dénes Szücs |
+44 (0)1223 (7)67636 |
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Fellow, Darwin College, Cambridge, Deputy Director, Centre for Neuroscience in Education, ds377[at]cam.ac.uk |
Dr Chie Takahashi |
Visitor |
Dr Deborah Talmi |
01223 333584 |
University Associate Professor, Fellow of Lucy Cavendish College, dt492[at]cam.ac.uk |
Yuen Pui (Cathy) Tam |
PhD student |
Nicole Tan |
PhD student |
Lisa-Maria Tanase |
PhD Student |
Jonrobert Tartaglione |
PhD Student |
Ellen Taylor-Bower |
PhD Student |
Stéphen Theron-Grimaldi |
PhD Student |
Kirsten Thomas |
PhD student |
Adam Timulak |
PhD student |
Livia Tomova |
Visitor |
Emily Towner |
PhD Student |
Cecilie Traberg |
PhD student |
Adam Triabhall |
PhD student |
Professor Lorraine K. Tyler |
+44 (0)1223 (7)66457 |
Head of Centre for Speech, Language and the Brain, Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Fellow of Clare College |
Dr Beyza Ustun-Elayan |
Research Associate |
Jessica van de Grint |
PhD Student |
Professor Sander van der Linden |
+44 (0)1223 (3)30398 (Department) |
Professor of Social Psychology in Society, Director, Cambridge Social Decision-Making Laboratory, Fellow in Psychology, Churchill College , sander.vanderlinden[at]psychol.cam.ac.uk |
Nelson Vazhappilly |
Finance Assistant |
Dr Clara Velazquez Sanchez |
Research Associate |
Tomasz Waldoch |
IT Manager |
Jingkang Wang |
PhD student |
Alina Wanitzek |
+44 (0)1223 (3)33554 |
Librarian and Webmaster |
Laetitia Ward |
PhD student |
Dr Varun Warrier |
Assistant Professor, vw260[at]cam.ac.uk |
Matthew Weatherhead |
PhD student |
David Webb |
Senior Building Services Coordinator |
Staci Weiss |
Visitor |
Stella Wernicke |
PhD student |
Professor Clive Wilkins |
Artist in Residence, Department of Psychology, Co-founder of The Captured Thought |
Livia Wilod Versprille |
PhD student |
Siu Wong |
PhD student |
Dr Emma Woodberry |
Affiliated Lecturer |
Dr Alexandra Woolgar |
Professor in Integrative & Systems Neuroscience, aw316@cam.ac.uk |
Bowen Xiao (Eddie) |
PhD student |
Yanzhi Xu |
PhD student |
Ming Ye |
PhD student |
Sabine Yeung |
PhD Student |
David Young |
Research Associate |
Larysa Zasiekina |
Visiting Scholar |
Zsofia Zavecz |
Research Associate |
Margherita Zenoni |
PhD student |
Yuwei Zhang |
Visitor |
Seraphina Zhang |
PhD student |
Xuanci Zheng |
Research Assistant |
Leor Zmigrod |
Visiting Fellow (Churchill College) |