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Department of Psychology


Consciousness and Cognition

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Dr Tristan Bekinschtein (PI)
University Lecturer 
Craik-Marshall Building
Department of Psychology


Our Research

Welcome to the Consciousness and Cognition lab!
If you are interested in the Human Consciousness, you have come to the right place. Our multidisciplinary lab brings together great minds from diverse backgrounds spanning Neuroscience, Psychology, Statistics, Computing, Engineering and Philosophy, creatively investigating consciousness using non-classical approaches.

Our main research interests cover transitions between states of consciousness (wakefulness, drowsiness and sleep), disorders of consciousness, altered states of consciousness (hypnosis, meditation and dreaming), as well as alterations in sensory processing and cognition during those states. Our methods include psychophysics, behavioural measures, high-density electroencephalography (EEG), functional MRI (and combined fMRI+EEG), intracranial electrodes, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and who knows what happens it our new sleep lab. Additionally to our experimental work, the lab is working on improving the current methodology of consciousness research.


Current Lab Members


Selection of Publications