Combining a successful career in research with a fulfilling family life is facilitated in the University through a raft of family-friendly policies and initiatives:
Childcare Salary Exchange Schemes
Flexible Working and Leave
Graduated Return from Maternity Leave
Paternity and Additional Paternity Leave
Work-life balance mentors in the Department of Psychology
Non-traditional families Professor Susan Golombok I have been involved in research on non–traditional families for many years including families with single and same–sex parents as well as families created through assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF, egg donation, donor insemination and surrogacy. I would be happy to discuss issues raised by living in a non–traditional family with members of the Department who are interested in, or have experience of, alternative family forms. |
Maternity leave Dr Vasanti Jadva Achieving the right work–life balance can be a challenge. I would be very happy to meet with staff in the Department to share my experiences of working whilst raising a young family. |