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Department of Psychology

I am working with Prof. Paul Bays in the Computational Cognition Group,

Previously, I pursued an MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology) at Cambridge, funded by the Kurt Hahn Trust and Emmanuel College. Before Cambridge, I was a research intern at the Cognitive Neuroscience Institute at Bangor University, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Earlier, I studied Psychology, Computational Linguistics, Sinology, and Educational Studies at Heidelberg University. Concurrently, I worked as a research assistant in Clinical Psychology at the Technical University of Munich.

I am committed to science communication, public outreach, and equal opportunities in education. Following these passions, I am an editor at the science-communication journal In-Mind, the first student representative at the QS Global Rankings Advisory Board, and the Beautiful Mind Team Lead at Pint of Science Cambridge.

PhD student

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