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Department of Psychology


At the beginning of your induction, you will be provided with an Employee Induction Checklist and you can take the University's two-stage induction. 

Visit the online induction webpages with resources for new employees.



For employees who are new to Cambridge, there are a range of benefits including a relocation policy, Accommodation Service and a Newcomer and Visiting Scholars Society. 

Getting around
Getting Paid

Salaries are paid to all staff on the 26th of the month unless this falls on a weekend or bank holiday when the payday will be brought forward to Friday. View payslips.

Please note that you may be put on an emergency tax code by HMRC. Visit and find out more about emergency tax codes and how to correct your code. 


During your induction programme and your probation period, you will be able to identify any training and development found here needs that have to be met to enable you to undertake your role effectively. You can document your training and development needs in a Personal Development Plan (PDP).


Health, welfare and safety


Employee Self-service

Employee Self-Service (ESS) allows you direct access to some of your data held in the Human Resources system, CHRIS (Cambridge Human Resources Information System) and the University Payroll system.


When you start, you will be given a Raven password to access pages exclusive to University staff. If you have any queries, please contact Psychology HR.