Mirjana Bozic
I am a cognitive neuroscientist who studies language. I am University Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, and Fellow and Director of Studies for Psychological and Behavioural Sciences at King's College, Cambridge.
I hold a degree in Psychology from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, and MPhil and PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of Cambridge. After my PhD I was a Career Development Fellow at MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge, before taking my position as a University Lecturer in the Department of Psychology.
Jacqueline Phelps
My research focuses on how the neural mechanisms of selective attention are affected by bilingualism, especially in childhood. I use a combination of EEG and behavioural selective attention tasks to analyse bilingual and monolingual children’s neural and behavioural reactions, and compare these to adult patterns of responses.
I hold MSc in Child Development from UCL
James Scott
My research interests are centred around how the capacity for language evolved. This question requires a fairly interdisciplinary approach, invoking Palaeolithic archaeology; the fossil record; the cognitive science of language in modern humans; primatology; and consciousness research.
I have a degree in Psychological and Behavioural Sciences from the University of Cambridge, and MPhil in Biological Anthropology from the University of Cambridge.
Julia Schwarz
My main research interests lie in language processing (visual and auditory) and language disorders. My PhD research focuses on the use of sub-lexical information (e.g. phonological, prosodic, and morphological) when hearing and reading words, and how individuals differ in using these types of linguistic cues.
I hold a B.A. from the University of Regensburg, Germany, and an MPhil from the University of Cambridge. I am also a member of the University of Cambridge Phonetics Lab
Stephen Theron-Grimaldi
My research investigates the key language factors that lead to bilingual adaptations of selective attention. Do I need to speak my second language fluently for those adaptations to emerge? If I have not a language for some time, how will that affect my bilingual brain? I aim to answer those questions by using EEG to assess selective attention processes in the brains of people with different bilingual profiles.
Previously, I studies Experimental Psychology at the University of Warwick, and have graduated with an MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience at UCL.
Jiaao Yu
I am interested in understanding how insights from research into language processing and bilingualism might be used to inform the learning of programming languages. In particular, I want to explore what implications this might have for the learning of pseudocode, a widely used approach in computer science education.
I hold a BSc in Computer Science (Human-Computer Interaction) from the University of Manchester.
Jingkang Wang
My research interests lie in how language processing interacts with general cognitive systems such as perception, learning and attention. My MPhil research project focusses on how bilingualism and different levels of typological similarity between languages modulate the neural patterns of auditory selective attention using EEG recordings.
I have a BA (Honours) in Psychology from McGill University.
Recent lab alumini:
Andrea Olguin - PhD student
Lorna Garcia-Penton - Postdoctoral Researcher
Ana Klimovich-Gray - Postdoctoral Researcher
Christina Makri - MPhil student
Max Nugent - Research Assistant
Xuanci Zheng - MPhil student