To all those who have been hurt and affected by the current circumstances - please be reassured that the Psychology Department stands in solidarity with the black community protesting at present and past injustice. We condemn racial violence and abuses of power in all its forms - and are committed to being part of the action for change. We recognise that we ourselves need to reflect, learn and strive to do better. We are working on an action plan to ensure that BME voices within our department and diverse student body are heard and heeded.
Report + Support
There are two ways you can tell us what happened
Students and staff can find support services and report inappropriate behaviour they have experienced from other students and staff using the links on this page. This webpage is for students, employees and TES (Temporary Employment Service) workers at the University.
The Department of Psychology Race & Equality Champion
I am delighted to be the new Race Equality Champion in the Department of Psychology. I am a Fellow and Admissions Tutor at Queens’ College Cambridge (having previously been Deputy Head of Welfare) and a University Lecturer in the Department. I believe it is hugely important to ensure that everyone is given an equal opportunity to be a part of and valued within our community no matter what their racial or social background. In particular, I believe it is important to have an open and honest dialogue about racism, to listen to the experiences of all, and to celebrate diversity within the university.
Other pages/links:
Statement from the BME (Black & Minority Ethnic) staff network
Cambridge BME Twitter
BME staff network
BME student network
Resources on race and racism
Resources on COVID inclusion by the equality team
Race and Equality at Cambridge website