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Department of Psychology

Sarah-Jayne Blakemore FBA FMedSci FRS is Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Cambridge, and leader of the Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Group. Her group's research focuses on the development of social cognition and decision making in the human adolescent brain, and adolescent mental health. Her group runs behavioural studies in schools and in the lab, as well as neuroimaging studies, with adolescents and adults. You can read more about the group and their research here.

Professor Blakemore has been awarded several national and international prizes for her research. She is an Honorary Fellow of St John's College, Oxford, and a Fellow of the British Academy, the American Association of Psychological Science, the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Royal Society

Professor Blakemore teaches a final year Natural Sciences paper on Adolescence in Lent term. More biographical information can be found here.

Professor Blakemore's publications can be found on Google Scholar

BBC The Life Scientific interview

TED talk

Book: Inventing Ourselves: the secret life of the teenage brain

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If you are interested in joining the Blakemore Lab, please get in touch. Please note that you should preferably have an educational background in experimental psychology and/or neuroscience. 

Professor of Psychology

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Available for consultancy