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Department of Psychology

Name Office phone Job titles
Professor Mark P Haggard Emeritus Professor, Department of Psychology
Emily Harris PhD Student
Glenn Harrison 01223 (3)33555 Electronics Workshop Technician
Ceejay Hayes Project Coordinator
Mairead Healy PhD student
Friederike Hedley PhD student
Dr Jean Anne Heng Postdoctoral Fellow
Matthew Hilton MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology)
Professor Melissa Hines +44 (0)1223 (3)34575 (Department) / +44 (0)1223 (3)36117 (Churchill College) Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge, mh504[at]
Petra Georgoulis Hluzova +44 (0)1223(3)33575 Research Grant Manager
Agnes Ho Teaching Office Manager
Professor Claire Hughes Office Phone: +44 (0)1223 (3)34517 Directors of Studies Coordinator and Subject Convenor (PBS Tripos), Deputy Director, Centre for Family Research, Deputy Head (Wellbeing, Equality and Diversity), Fellow of Newnham College, Cambridge, ch288[at]
Tristan Hynes Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow