1. B.C.J. Moore, Some experiments relating to the perception of pure tones: possible clinical applications, Sound 6, 73-79 (1972).
2. B.C.J. Moore, Frequency difference limens for narrow bands of noise, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 54, 888-896 (1973).
3. B.C.J. Moore, Frequency difference limens for short-duration tones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 54, 610-619 (1973).
4. B.C.J. Moore, Some experiments relating to the perception of complex tones, Q. J. Exp. Psychol. 25, 451-475 (1973).
5. B.C.J. Moore and D.H. Raab, Pure-tone intensity discrimination: some experiments relating to the "near-miss" to Weber's Law, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 55, 1049-1054 (1974).
6. B.C.J. Moore, Relation between the critical bandwidth and the frequency-difference limen, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 55, 359 (1974).
7. B.C.J. Moore and D.H. Raab, Intensity discrimination for noise bursts in the presence of a continous, bandstop background: effects of level, width of the bandstop, and duration, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 57, 400-405 (1975).
8. B.C.J. Moore, Mechanisms of masking, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 57, 391-399 (1975).
9. B.C.J. Moore, Comparison of frequency DLs for pulsed tones and modulated tones, Brit. J. Audiol. 10, 17-20 (1976).
10. E.E. Douek, A.J. Fourcin, B.C.J. Moore and G.P. Clark, A new approach to the cochlear implant, Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 70, 379-383 (1977).
11. M. Terry and B.C.J. Moore, 'Suppression' effects in forward masking, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 62, 781-784 (1977).
12. B.C.J. Moore, By-passing the deaf ear, Hear. Aid J. 31, 10, 44-45 (1978).
13. B.C.J. Moore, Psychophysical tuning curves measured in simultaneous and forward masking, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 63, 524-532 (1978).
14. A.J. Fourcin, S.M. Rosen, B.C.J. Moore, E.E. Douek, G.P. Clark, H. Dodson and L.H. Bannister, External electrical stimulation of the cochlea: clinical, psychophysical, speech-perceptual and histological findings, Br. J. Audiol. 13, 85-107 (1979).
15. B.C.J. Moore and S.M. Rosen, Tune recognition with reduced pitch and interval information, Q. J. Exp. Psychol. 31, 229-240 (1979).
16. B.C.J. Moore, Mechanisms and frequency distribution of two-tone suppression in forward masking, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 68, 814-824 (1980).
17. B.C.J. Moore, Neural interspike intervals and pitch, Audiology 19, 363-365 (1980).
18. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Auditory filter shapes derived in simultaneous and forward masking, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 70, 1003-1014 (1981).
19. B.C.J. Moore, Interactions of masker bandwidth with signal duration and delay in forward masking, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 70, 62-68 (1981).
20. B.C.J. Moore, Relation between pitch shifts and MMF shifts in forward masking, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 69, 594-596 (1981).
21. B.J. O'Loughlin and B.C.J. Moore, Effect of probe duration on psychoacoustical tuning curves obtained in forward masking, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 70, 628-630 (1981).
22. B.J. O'Loughlin and B.C.J. Moore, Improving psychoacoustical tuning curves, Hear. Res. 5, 343-346 (1981).
23. B.J. O'Loughlin and B.C.J. Moore, Off-frequency listening: effects on psychoacoustical tuning curves obtained in simultaneous and forward masking, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 69, 1119-1125 (1981).
24. S.M. Rosen, A.J. Fourcin and B.C.J. Moore, Voice pitch as an aid to lipreading, Nature 291, 150-152 (1981).
25. D.L. Weber and B.C.J. Moore, Forward masking by sinusoidal and noise maskers, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 69, 1402-1409 (1981).
26. B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, Auditory filter shapes in forward masking as a function of level, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 71, 946-949 (1982).
27. B.R. Glasberg, B.C.J. Moore and R.A. Lutfi, Off-frequency listening and masker uncertainty, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 72, 273-275 (1982).
28. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Contralateral and ipsilateral cueing in forward masking, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 71, 942-945 (1982).
29. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Interpreting the role of suppression in psychophysical tuning curves, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 72, 1374-1379 (1982).
30. M.A. Vince, S.E. Armitage, B.A. Baldwin, J. Toner and B.C.J. Moore, The sound environment of the feotal sheep, Behaviour 296-315 (1982).
31. E.E. Douek, A.J. Fourcin, B.C.J. Moore, S. Rosen, J.R. Walliker, S.L. Frampton, D.M. Howard and E. Abberton, Clinical aspects of extracohlear stimulation, Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 405, 332-336 (1983).
32. R.F. Laurence, B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, A comparison of behind-the-ear high-fidelity linear hearing aids and two-channel compression aids, in the laboratory and in everyday life, Br. J. Audiol. 17, 31-48 (1983).
33. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Forward masking patterns for harmonic complex tones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 73, 1682-1685 (1983).
34. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Growth of forward masking for sinusoidal and noise maskers as a function of signal delay: implications for suppression in noise, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 73, 1249-1259 (1983).
35. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Masking patterns of synthetic vowels in simultaneous and forward masking, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 73, 906-917 (1983).
36. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Suggested formulae for calculating auditory-filter bandwidths and excitation patterns, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 74, 750-753 (1983).
37. R.W. Peters, B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Pitch of components of complex tones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 73, 924-929 (1983).
38. S.M. Rosen, A.J. Fourcin, E. Abberton, J.R. Walliker, E.E. Douek, B.C.J. Moore, S. Frampton and D. Howard, Assessment of speech receptive and productive ability with electrically stimulated hearing, 4, 297-300 (1983).
39. M.J. Shailer and B.C.J. Moore, Gap detection as a function of frequency, bandwidth and level, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 74, 467-473 (1983).
40. J.R. Walliker, E.E. Douek, A.J. Fourcin, B.C.J. Moore and S.M. Rosen, Speech signal presentation to the totally deaf, J. Biomed. Eng. 5, 316-320 (1983).
41. R.P. Carlyon and B.C.J. Moore, Intensity discrimination: a severe departure from Weber's Law, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 76, 1369-1376 (1984).
42. A.J. Fourcin, E. Douek, B.C.J. Moore, E. Abberton, S. Rosen and J.R. Walliker, Speech pattern stimulation in electrical hearing, Arch. Otolarygol. 110, 145-153 (1984).
43. B.R. Glasberg, B.C.J. Moore and I. Nimmo-Smith, Comparison of auditory filter shapes derived with three different maskers, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 75, 536-544 (1984).
44. B.R. Glasberg, B.C.J. Moore, R.D. Patterson and I. Nimmo-Smith, Dynamic range and asymmetry of the auditory filter, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 76, 419-427 (1984).
45. B.C.J. Moore, Electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve in man, Trends Neurosci. 7, 274-277 (1984).
46. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and M.J. Shailer, Frequency and intensity difference limens for harmonics within complex tones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 75, 550-561 (1984).
47. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and B. Roberts, Refining the measurement of psychophysical tuning curves, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 76, 1057-1066 (1984).
48. R.S. Tyler, J.W. Hall, B.R. Glasberg, B.C.J. Moore and R.D. Patterson, Auditory filter asymmetry in the hearing impaired, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 76, 1363-1368 (1984).
49. B.C.J. Moore, Additivity of simultaneous masking, revisited, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 78, 488-494 (1985).
50. B.C.J. Moore, Comments on "Predicting frequency selectivity in forward masking from simultaneous masking", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 78, 253-255 (1985).
51. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, The danger of using narrowband noise maskers to measure suppression, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 77, 2137-2141 (1985).
52. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg, R.F. Hess and J.P. Birchall, Effects of flanking noise bands on the rate of growth of loudness of tones in normal and recruiting ears, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 77, 1505-1515 (1985).
53. B.C.J. Moore, Frequency selectivity and temporal resolution in normal and hearing impaired listeners, Brit. J. Audiol. 19, 189-201 (1985).
54. B.C.J. Moore, R.F. Laurence and D. Wright, Improvements in speech intelligibility in quiet and in noise produced by two-channel compression hearing aids, Br. J. Audiol. 19, 175-187 (1985).
55. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and R.W. Peters, Relative dominance of individual partials in determining the pitch of complex tones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 77, 1853-1860 (1985).
56. B.C.J. Moore, R.W. Peters and B.R. Glasberg, Thresholds for the detection of inharmonicity in complex tones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 77, 1861-1867 (1985).
57. M.J. Shailer and B.C.J. Moore, Detection of temporal gaps in band-limited noise: effects of variations in bandwidth and signal-to-masker ratio, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 77, 635-639 (1985).
58. S.P. Bacon and B.C.J. Moore, Temporal effects in masking and their influence on psychophysical tuning curves, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 80, 1638-1644 (1986).
59. S.P. Bacon and B.C.J. Moore, Temporal effects in simultaneous pure-tone masking: Effects of signal frequency, masker/signal frequency ratio, and masker level, Hear. Res. 23, 257-266 (1986).
60. R.P. Carlyon and B.C.J. Moore, Continuous versus gated pedestals and the "severe departure" from Weber's Law, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 79, 453-460 (1986).
61. R.P. Carlyon and B.C.J. Moore, Detection of tones in noise and the "severe departure" from Weber's Law, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 79, 453-460 (1986).
62. B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, Auditory filter shapes in subjects with unilateral and bilateral cochlear impairments, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 79, 1020-1033 (1986).
63. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, A comparison of two-channel and single-channel compression hearing aids, Audiology 25, 210-226 (1986).
64. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Comparisons of frequency selectivity in simultaneous and forward masking for subjects with unilateral cochlear impairments, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 80, 93-107 (1986).
65. B.C.J. Moore, Parallels between frequency selectivity measured psychophysically and in cochlear mechanics, Scand. Audiol. Supplement 25, 139-152 (1986).
66. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and R.W. Peters, Thresholds for hearing mistuned partials as separate tones in harmonic complexes, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 80, 479-483 (1986).
67. S.P. Bacon and B.C.J. Moore, "Transient masking" and the temporal course of simultaneous tone-on-tone masking, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 81, 1073-1077 (1987).
68. B.R. Glasberg, B.C.J. Moore and S.P. Bacon, Gap detection and masking in hearing-impaired and normal-hearing subjects, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 81, 1546-1556 (1987).
69. B.C.J. Moore, Design and evaluation of a two-channel compression hearing aid, Journal of Rehabiliation Research and Development 24, 181-192 (1987).
70. B.C.J. Moore, Distribution of auditory-filter bandwidths at 2 kHz in young normal listeners, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 81, 1633-1635 (1987).
71. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Factors affecting thresholds for sinusoidal signals in narrow-band maskers with fluctuating envelopes, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 82, 69-79 (1987).
72. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Formulae describing frequency-selectivity as a function of frequency and level, and their use in calculating excitation patterns, Hear. Res. 28, 209-225 (1987).
73. B.C.J. Moore, Psychophysics of normal and impaired hearing, Brit. Med. Bull. 43, 887-908 (1987).
74. B.C.J. Moore, P.W.F. Poon, S.P. Bacon and B.R. Glasberg, The temporal course of masking and the auditory filter shape, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 81, 1873-1880 (1987).
75. G.P. Schooneveldt and B.C.J. Moore, Comodulation masking release (CMR): effects of signal frequency, flanking-band frequency, masker bandwidth, flanking-band level, and monotic versus dichotic presentation of the flanking band, J. Acoust. Soc. Am.82, 1944-1956 (1987).
76. M.J. Shailer and B.C.J. Moore, Gap detection and the auditory filter: phase effects using sinusoidal stimuli, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 81, 1110-1117 (1987).
77. G.J. Dooley and B.C.J. Moore, Detection of linear frequency glides as a function of frequency and duration, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 84, 2045-2057 (1988).
78. G.J. Dooley and B.C.J. Moore, Duration discrimination of steady and gliding tones: a new method for estimating sensitivity to rate of change, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 84, 1332-1337 (1988).
79. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, A comparison of four methods of implementing automatic gain control (AGC) in hearing aids, Br. J. Audiol. 22, 93-104 (1988).
80. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Gap detection with sinusoids and noise in normal, impaired and electrically stimulated ears, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 83, 1093-1101 (1988).
81. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg, C.J. Plack and A.K. Biswas, The shape of the ear's temporal window, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 83, 1102-1116 (1988).
82. G.P. Schooneveldt and B.C.J. Moore, Failure to obtain comodulation masking release with frequency-modulated maskers, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 83, 2290-2292 (1988).
83. B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, Psychoacoustic abilities of subjects with unilateral and bilateral cochlear impairments and their relationship to the ability to understand speech, Scand. Audiol. Suppl. 32, 1-25 (1989).
84. B.C.J. Moore, S.R. Oldfield and G. Dooley, Detection and discrimination of spectral peaks and notches at 1 and 8 kHz, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 85, 820-836 (1989).
85. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg, E. Donaldson, T. McPherson and C.J. Plack, Detection of temporal gaps in sinusoids by normally hearing and hearing-impaired subjects, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 85, 1266-1275 (1989).
86. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Difference limens for phase in normal and hearing-impaired subjects, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 86, 1351-1365 (1989).
87. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Mechanisms underlying the frequency discrimination of pulsed tones and the detection of frequency modulation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 86, 1722-1732 (1989).
88. G.P. Schooneveldt and B.C.J. Moore, Comodulation masking release (CMR) as a function of masker bandwidth, modulator bandwidth and signal duration, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 85, 273-281 (1989).
89. G.P. Schooneveldt and B.C.J. Moore, Comodulation masking release (CMR) for various monaural and binaural combinations of the signal, on-frequency and flanking bands, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 85, 262-272 (1989).
90. R.S. Tyler, B.C.J. Moore and F.K. Kuk, Performance of some of the better cochlear-implant patients, J. Speech. Hear. Res. 32, 887-911 (1989).
91. A. Faulkner, A.J. Fourcin and B.C.J. Moore, Psychoacoustic aspects of speech pattern coding for the deaf, Acta Otolaryngol. Suppl. 469, 172-180 (1990).
92. A. Faulkner, S. Rosen and B.C.J. Moore, Residual frequency selectivity in the profoundly hearing-impaired listener, Br. J. Audiol. 24, 381-392 (1990).
93. B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, Derivation of auditory filter shapes from notched-noise data, Hear. Res. 47, 103-138 (1990).
94. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and G.P. Schooneveldt, Across-channel masking and comodulation masking release, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 87, 1683-1694 (1990).
95. B.C.J. Moore, R.W. Peters and B.R. Glasberg, Auditory filter shapes at low center frequencies, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 88, 132-140 (1990).
96. B.C.J. Moore, Co-modulation masking release: spectro-temporal pattern analysis in hearing, Brit. J. Audiol. 24, 131-137 (1990).
97. B.C.J. Moore and G.P. Schooneveldt, Comodulation masking release as a function of bandwidth and time delay between on-frequency and flanking maskers, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 88, 725-731 (1990).
98. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Frequency discrimination of complex tones with overlapping and non-overlapping harmonics, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 87, 2163-2177 (1990).
99. B.C.J. Moore, How much do we gain by gain control in hearing aids?, Acta Otolaryngol. Suppl. 469, 250-256 (1990).
100. B.C.J. Moore and D.S. Emmerich, Monaural envelope correlation perception, revisited: effects of bandwidth, frequency separation, duration, and relative level of the noise bands, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 87, 2628-2633 (1990).
101. B.C.J. Moore, Pitch perception in silicon, Nature 343, 114-115 (1990).
102. B.C.J. Moore, J.W. Hall, J.H. Grose and G.P. Schooneveldt, Some factors affecting the magnitude of comodulation masking release, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 88, 1694-1702 (1990).
103. C.J. Plack and B.C.J. Moore, Temporal window shape as a function of frequency and level, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 87, 2178-2187 (1990).
104. B. Roberts and B.C.J. Moore, The influence of extraneous sounds on the perceptual estimation of the first format frequency in vowels, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 88, 2571-2583 (1990).
105. M.J. Shailer, B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg, N. Watson and S. Harris, Auditory filter shapes at 8 and 10 kHz, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 88, 141-148 (1990).
106. A.M. Simpson, B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Spectral enhancement to improve the intelligibility of speech in noise for hearing-impaired listeners, Acta Otolaryngol. Suppl. 469, 101-107 (1990).
107. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg, T. Gaunt and T. Child, Across-channel masking of changes in modulation depth for amplitude- and frequency-modulated signals, Q. J. Exp. Psychol. 43A, 327-347 (1991).
108. B.C.J. Moore, Characterization and simulation of impaired hearing: implications for hearing aid design, Ear Hear. 12, Suppl., 154S-161S (1991).
109. B.C.J. Moore and M.J. Shailer, Comodulation masking release as a function of level, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 90, 829-835 (1991).
110. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Effects of signal-to-noise ratio on the frequency discrimination of complex tones with overlapping or nonoverlapping harmonics, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 89, 2858-2865 (1991).
111. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and M.A. Stone, Optimization of a slow-acting automatic gain control system for use in hearing aids, Br. J. Audiol. 25, 171-182 (1991).
112. B.C.J. Moore, Simplified derivation of auditory filter shapes, J. Speech Hear. Res. 34, 1439 (1991).
113. C.J. Plack and B.C.J. Moore, Decrement detection in normal and impaired ears, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 90, 3069-3076 (1991).
114. B. Roberts and B.C.J. Moore, The influence of extraneous sounds on the perceptual estimation of first-formant frequency in vowels under conditions of asynchrony, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 89, 2922-2932 (1991).
115. B. Roberts and B.C.J. Moore, Modeling the effects of extraneous sounds on the perceptual estimation of first-formant frequency in vowels, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 89, 2933-2951 (1991).
116. A. Faulkner, V. Ball, S. Rosen, B.C.J. Moore and A.J. Fourcin, Speech pattern hearing aids for the profoundly hearing impaired: Speech perception and auditory abilities, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91, 2136-2155 (1992).
117. B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, Effects of envelope fluctuations on gap detection, Hear. Res. 64, 81-92 (1992).
118. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and G.M. Proctor, Accuracy of pitch matching for pure tones and for complex tones with overlapping or non-overlapping harmonics, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91, 3443-3450 (1992).
119. B.C.J. Moore, Across-channel processes in auditory masking, J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn. (E) 13, 25-37 (1992).
120. B.C.J. Moore and U. Jorasz, Detection of changes in modulation depth of a target sound in the presence of other modulated sounds, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91, 1051-1061 (1992).
121. B.C.J. Moore and A. Sęk, Detection of combined frequency and amplitude modulation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 92, 3119-3131 (1992).
122. B.C.J. Moore, R.W. Peters and B.R. Glasberg, Detection of temporal gaps in sinusoids by elderly subjects with and without hearing loss, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 92, 1923-1932 (1992).
123. B.C.J. Moore, C. Lynch and M.A. Stone, Effects of the fitting parameters of a two-channel compression system on the intelligibility of speech in quiet and in noise, Br. J. Audiol. 26, 369-379 (1992).
124. B.C.J. Moore, J.S. Johnson, T.M. Clark and V. Pluvinage, Evaluation of a dual-channel full dynamic range compression system for people with sensorineural hearing loss, Ear Hear. 13, 349-70 (1992).
125. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and A. Simpson, Evaluation of a method of simulating reduced frequency selectivity, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91, 3402-3423 (1992).
126. B.C.J. Moore and M.J. Shailer, Modulation discrimination interference and auditory grouping, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 336, 339-346 (1992).
127. B.C.J. Moore and R.W. Peters, Pitch discrimination and phase sensitivity in young and elderly subjects and its relationship to frequency selectivity, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91, 2881-2893 (1992).
128. B.C.J. Moore, M.J. Shailer and G.P. Schooneveldt, Temporal modulation transfer functions for band-limited noise in subjects with cochlear hearing loss, Br. J. Audiol. 26, 229-237 (1992).
129. R.W. Peters and B.C.J. Moore, Auditory filter shapes at low center frequencies in young and elderly hearing-impaired subjects, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91, 256-266 (1992).
130. M.A. Stone, B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, Simplified measurement of impaired auditory filter shapes using the notched-noise method, Br. J. Audiol. 26, 329-334 (1992).
131. M.A. Stone and B.C.J. Moore, Spectral feature enhancement for people with sensorineural hearing impairment: effects on speech intelligibility and quality, J. Rehab. Res. Devel. 29, 39-56 (1992).
132. M.A. Stone and B.C.J. Moore, Syllabic compression: Effective compression ratios for signals modulated at different rates, Br. J. Audiol. 26, 351-361 (1992).
133. R.S. Tyler and B.C.J. Moore, Consonant recognition by some of the better cochlear-implant patients, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 92, 3068-3077 (1992).
134. S.P. Bacon and B.C.J. Moore, Modulation detection interference: Some spectral effects, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 93, 3442-3453 (1993).
135. T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Effects of spectral smearing on the intelligibility of sentences in noise, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 94, 1229-1241 (1993).
136. T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Simulating and compensating for impaired frequency selectivity, Br. J. Audiol. 27, 368-369 (1993).
137. T. Baer, B.C.J. Moore and S. Gatehouse, Spectral contrast enhancement of speech in noise for listeners with sensorineural hearing impairment: effects on intelligibility, quality and response times, J. Rehabil. Res. Dev. 30, 49-72 (1993).
138. D.A. Fantini, B.C.J. Moore and G.P. Schooneveldt, Comodulation masking release as a function of type of signal, gated or continuous masking, monaural or dichotic presentation of flanking bands, and center frequency, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 93, 2106-2115 (1993).
139. P.A. Fine and B.C.J. Moore, Frequency analysis and musical ability, Music Percept. 11, 39-53 (1993).
140. J.W. Hall, J.H. Grose and B.C.J. Moore, Influence of frequency selectivity on comodulation masking release in normal-hearing listeners, J. Speech Hear. Res. 36, 410-423 (1993).
141. B.C.J. Moore and K. Ohgushi, Audibility of partials in inharmonic complex tones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 93, 452-461 (1993).
142. B.C.J. Moore, M.J. Shailer, J.W. Hall and G.P. Schooneveldt, Comodulation masking release in subjects with unilateral and bilateral cochlear hearing impairment, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 93, 435-451 (1993).
143. B.C.J. Moore and S.P. Bacon, Detection and identification of a single modulated component in a complex sound, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 94, 759-768 (1993).
144. B.C.J. Moore, R.W. Peters and B.R. Glasberg, Detection of temporal gaps in sinusoids: Effects of frequency and level, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 93, 1563-1570 (1993).
145. B.C.J. Moore, M.J. Shailer and M.J. Black, Dichotic interference effects in gap detection, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 93, 2130-2133 (1993).
146. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and M.A. Stone, Effect on the speech reception threshold in noise of the recovery time of the compressor in the high-frequency channel of a two-channel aid, Scand. Audiol. Suppl. 38, 82-91 (1993).
147. B.C.J. Moore, R.W. Peters and B.R. Glasberg, Effects of frequency on the detection of decrements and increments in sinusoids, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 94, 3190-3198 (1993).
148. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Simulation of the effects of loudness recruitment and threshold elevation on the intelligibility of speech in quiet and in a background of speech, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 94, 2050-2062 (1993).
149. B.C.J. Moore, Temporal analysis in normal and impaired hearing, Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 682, 119-136 (1993).
150. M.J. Shailer and B.C.J. Moore, Effects of modulation rate and rate of envelope change on modulation discrimination interference, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 94, 3138-3143 (1993).
151. T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Effects of spectral smearing on the intelligibility of sentences in the presence of interfering speech, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 95, 2277-2280 (1994).
152. T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Spectral enhancement to compensate for reduced frequency selectivity, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 95, 2992 (1994).
153. D.A. Fantini and B.C.J. Moore, A comparison of the effectiveness of across-channel cues available in comodulation masking release and profile analysis tasks, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96, 3451-3462 (1994).
154. D.A. Fantini and B.C.J. Moore, Profile analysis and comodulation detection differences using narrow bands of noise and their relation to comodulation masking release, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 95, 2180-2191 (1994).
155. B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, Growth-of-masking functions for several types of maskers, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96, 134-144 (1994).
156. B.C.J. Moore and A. Sęk, Discrimination of modulation type (AM or FM) with and without background noise, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96, 726-732 (1994).
157. B.C.J. Moore and A. Sęk, Effects of carrier frequency and background noise on the detection of mixed modulation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96, 741-751 (1994).
158. B.C.J. Moore and M.J. Shailer, Effects of harmonicity, modulator phase and number of masker components on modulation discrimination interference, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 95, 3555-3560 (1994).
159. A.J. Oxenham and B.C.J. Moore, Modeling the additivity of nonsimultaneous masking, Hear. Res. 80, 105-118 (1994).
160. A. Sęk and B.C.J. Moore, The critical modulation frequency and its relationship to auditory filtering at low frequencies, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 95, 2606-2615 (1994).
161. A. Sęk and B.C.J. Moore, Detection of mixed modulation using correlated and uncorrelated noise modulators, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 95, 3511-3518 (1994).
162. M.J. Shailer and B.C.J. Moore, Influence of relative level on modulation discrimination interference, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96, 583-585 (1994).
163. J.I. Alcántara and B.C.J. Moore, The identification of vowel-like harmonic complexes: Effects of component phase, level, and fundamental frequency, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 97, 3813-3824 (1995).
164. S.P. Bacon, B.C.J. Moore, M.J. Shailer and U. Jorasz, Effects of combining maskers in modulation detection interference, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 97, 1847-1853 (1995).
165. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg, M. van der Heijden, A.J.M. Houtsma and A. Kohlrausch, Comparison of auditory filter shapes obtained with notched-noise and noise-tone maskers, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 97, 1175-1182 (1995).
166. B.C.J. Moore and A. Sęk, Effects of carrier frequency, modulation rate and modulation waveform on the detection of modulation and the discrimination of modulation type (AM vs FM), J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 97, 2468-2478 (1995).
167. B.C.J. Moore, A. Sęk and M.J. Shailer, Modulation discrimination interference for narrow-band noise modulators, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 97, 2493-2497 (1995).
168. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and D.A. Vickers, Simulation of the effects of loudness recruitment on the intelligibility of speech in noise, Br. J. Audiol. 29, 131-143 (1995).
169. A.J. Oxenham and B.C.J. Moore, Additivity of masking in normally hearing and hearing-impaired subjects, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 98, 1921-1934 (1995).
170. A.J. Oxenham and B.C.J. Moore, Overshoot and the "severe departure" from Weber's law, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 97, 2442-2453 (1995).
171. R.W. Peters, B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Effects of level and frequency on the detection of decrements and increments in sinusoids, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 97, 3791-3799 (1995).
172. A. Sęk and B.C.J. Moore, Frequency discrimination as a function of frequency, measured in several ways, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 97, 2479-2486 (1995).
173. J.I. Alcántara, I. Holube and B.C.J. Moore, Effects of phase and level on vowel identification: Data and predictions based on a nonlinear basilar-membrane model, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 100, 2382-2392 (1996).
174. S. Furukawa and B.C.J. Moore, Across-frequency processes in frequency modulation detection, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 100, 2299-2312 (1996).
175. B.C.J. Moore, Consequences of peripheral compression for monaural auditory processing, Acust. - Acta Acust. 82, Suppl. 1, S79 (1996).
176. B.C.J. Moore, R.W. Peters and B.R. Glasberg, Detection of decrements and increments in sinusoids at high overall levels, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 99, 3669-3677 (1996).
177. B.C.J. Moore and A. Sęk, Detection of frequency modulation at low modulation rates: Evidence for a mechanism based on phase locking, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 100, 2320-2331 (1996).
178. B.C.J. Moore, M. Wojtczak and D.A. Vickers, Effect of loudness recruitment on the perception of amplitude modulation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 100, 481-489 (1996).
179. B.C.J. Moore and U. Jorasz, Modulation discrimination interference and comodulation masking release as a function of the number and spectral placement of narrow-band noise modulators, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 100, 2373-2381 (1996).
180. B.C.J. Moore, Perceptual consequences of cochlear hearing loss and their implications for the design of hearing aids, Ear Hear. 17, 133-161 (1996).
181. B.C.J. Moore, E.R. Hafter and B.R. Glasberg, The probe-signal method and auditory-filter shape: Results from normal and hearing-impaired subjects, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 99, 542-552 (1996).
182. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, A revision of Zwicker's loudness model, Acust. - Acta Acust. 82, 335-345 (1996).
183. B.C.J. Moore and J.I. Alcántara, Vowel identification based on amplitude modulation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 99, 2332-2343 (1996).
184. A. Sęk and B.C.J. Moore, Detection of auditory "events" based on amplitude and frequency modulation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 2332-2340 (1996).
185. M.A. Stone, B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, Dynamic aspects of loudness: A real-time loudness meter, Br. J. Audiol. 30, 124 (1996).
186. T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Temporal cues for detection of high-rate spectral ripples, Br. J. Audiol. 31, 102-103 (1997).
187. S. Furukawa and B.C.J. Moore, Dependence of frequency modulation detection on frequency modulation coherence across carriers: Effects of modulation rate, harmonicity and roving of the carrier frequencies, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 101, 1632-1643 (1997).
188. S. Furukawa and B.C.J. Moore, Effect of the relative phase of amplitude modulation on the detection of modulation on two carriers, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 102, 3657-3664 (1997).
189. B.C.J. Moore, A compact disc containing simulations of hearing impairment, Br. J. Audiol. 31, 353-357 (1997).
190. B.C.J. Moore, D.A. Vickers, B.R. Glasberg and T. Baer, Comparison of real and simulated hearing impairment in subjects with unilateral and bilateral cochlear hearing loss, Br. J. Audiol. 31, 227-245 (1997).
191. B.C.J. Moore and R.W. Peters, Detection of increments and decrements in sinusoids as a function of frequency, increment and decrement duration and pedestal duration., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 102, 2954-2965 (1997).
192. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and T. Baer, A model for the prediction of thresholds, loudness and partial loudness, J. Audio Eng. Soc. 45, 224-240 (1997).
193. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, A model of loudness perception applied to cochlear hearing loss, Auditory Neurosci. 3, 289-311 (1997).
194. B.C.J. Moore and D.A. Vickers, The role of spread of excitation and suppression in simultaneous masking, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 102, 2284-2290 (1997).
195. Y. Nejime and B.C.J. Moore, Evaluation of the effect of speech-speed slowing on speech intelligibility in noise using a simulation of cochlear hearing loss, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 103, 572-576 (1997).
196. Y. Nejime and B.C.J. Moore, Simulation of the effect of threshold elevation and loudness recruitment combined with reduced frequency selectivity on the intelligibility of speech in noise, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 102, 603-615 (1997).
197. A.J. Oxenham, B.C.J. Moore and D.A. Vickers, Short-term temporal integration: Evidence for the influence of peripheral compression, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 101, 3676-3687 (1997).
198. M.M. Rose and B.C.J. Moore, Perceptual grouping of tone sequences by normally hearing and hearing-impaired listeners, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 102, 1768-1778 (1997).
199. A. Sęk and B.C.J. Moore, Detectability of gaps in the modulation of a 4-kHz carrier, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 101, 3082 (1997).
200. M.A. Stone, B.C.J. Moore, M. Wojtczak and E. Gudgin, Effects of fast-acting high-frequency compression on the intelligibility of speech in steady and fluctuating background sounds, Br. J. Audiol. 31, 257-273 (1997).
201. M.A. Stone and B.C.J. Moore, Real-time simulation of recruitment, Br. J. Audiol. 31, 115 (1997).
202. C. Micheyl, B.C.J. Moore and R.P. Carlyon, The role of excitation-pattern cues and temporal cues in the frequency and modulation-rate discrimination of amplitude-modulated tones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 104, 1039-1050 (1998).
203. B.C.J. Moore, J.I. Alcántara and B.R. Glasberg, Development and evaluation of a procedure for fitting multi-channel compression hearing aids, Br. J. Audiol. 32, 177-195 (1998).
204. B.C.J. Moore and A. Sęk, Discrimination of frequency glides with superimposed random glides in level, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 104, 411-421 (1998).
205. B.C.J. Moore, J.I. Alcántara and T. Dau, Masking patterns for sinusoidal and narrowband noise maskers, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 104, 1023-1038 (1998).
206. B.C.J. Moore and A.J. Oxenham, Psychoacoustic consequences of compression in the peripheral auditory system, Psych. Rev. 105, 108-124 (1998).
207. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Use of a loudness model for hearing aid fitting. I. Linear hearing aids, Br. J. Audiol. 32, 317-335 (1998).
208. R.W. Peters, B.C.J. Moore and T. Baer, Speech reception thresholds in noise with and without spectral and temporal dips for hearing-impaired and normally hearing people, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 103, 577-587 (1998).
209. T. Baer, B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Detection and intensity discrimination of Gaussian-shaped tone pulses as a function of duration, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 106, 1907-1916 (1999).
210. B.C.J. Moore, R.W. Peters and M.A. Stone, Benefits of linear amplification and multi-channel compression for speech comprehension in backgrounds with spectral and temporal dips, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 105, 400-411 (1999).
211. B.C.J. Moore, R.W. Peters and B.R. Glasberg, Effects of frequency and duration on psychometric functions for detection of increments and decrements in sinusoids in noise, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 106, 3539-3552 (1999).
212. B.C.J. Moore, D.A. Vickers, T. Baer and S. Launer, Factors affecting the loudness of modulated sounds, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 105, 2757-2772 (1999).
213. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and D.A. Vickers, Further evaluation of a model of loudness perception applied to cochlear hearing loss, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 106, 898-907 (1999).
214. B.C.J. Moore, D.A. Vickers, C.J. Plack and A.J. Oxenham, Inter-relationship between different psychoacoustic measures assumed to be related to the cochlear active mechanism, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 106, 2761-2778 (1999).
215. B.C.J. Moore, A. Sęk and B.R. Glasberg, Modulation masking produced by beating modulators, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 106, 908-918 (1999).
216. B.C.J. Moore, Modulation minimizes masking, Nature 397, 108-109 (1999).
217. B.C.J. Moore, J.I. Alcántara, M.A. Stone and B.R. Glasberg, Use of a loudness model for hearing aid fitting. II. Hearing aids with multi-channel compression, Br. J. Audiol. 33, 157-170 (1999).
218. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and M.A. Stone, Use of a loudness model for hearing aid fitting. III. A general method for deriving initial fittings for hearing aids with multi-channel compression, Br. J. Audiol. 33, 241-258 (1999).
219. A. Sęk and B.C.J. Moore, Discrimination of frequency steps linked by glides of various durations, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 106, 351-360 (1999).
220. M.A. Stone, B.C.J. Moore, J.I. Alcántara and B.R. Glasberg, Comparison of different forms of compression using wearable digital hearing aids, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 106, 3603-3619 (1999).
221. M.A. Stone and B.C.J. Moore, Tolerable hearing-aid delays. I. Estimation of limits imposed by the auditory path alone using simulated hearing losses, Ear Hear. 20, 182-192 (1999).
222. J. Vliegen, B.C.J. Moore and A.J. Oxenham, The role of spectral and periodicity cues in auditory stream segregation, measured using a temporal discrimination task, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 106, 938-945 (1999).
223. J.I. Alcántara, B.C.J. Moore and D.A. Vickers, The relative role of beats and combination tones in determining the shapes of masking patterns at 2 kHz: I. Normal-hearing listeners, Hear. Res. 148, 63-73 (2000).
224. R.P. Carlyon, B.C.J. Moore and C. Micheyl, The effect of modulation rate on the detection of frequency modulation and mistuning of complex tones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 108, 304-315 (2000).
225. B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, Frequency selectivity as a function of level and frequency measured with uniformly exciting notched noise, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 108, 2318-2328 (2000).
226. M. Huss, B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Development and evaluation of a noise producing equal masked thresholds at all frequencies as a tool for identification of 'dead regions', Br. J. Audiol. 34, 106-107 (2000).
227. B.C.J. Moore, Book review: Sounds of Our Times, Stud. Hist. Phil. Mod. Phys. 31, 405-411 (2000).
228. B.C.J. Moore, Conséquences perceptives de la perte auditive cochléaire et implications pour la conception d'aides auditives, Les Cahiers de L'Audition 13, 7-40 (2000).
229. B.C.J. Moore and A. Sęk, Effects of relative phase and frequency spacing on the detection of three-component amplitude modulation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 108, 2337-2344 (2000).
230. B.C.J. Moore, M. Huss, D.A. Vickers, B.R. Glasberg and J.I. Alcántara, A test for the diagnosis of dead regions in the cochlea, Br. J. Audiol. 34, 205-224 (2000).
231. B.C.J. Moore, Use of a loudness model for hearing aid fitting. IV. Fitting hearing aids with multi-channel compression so as to restore "normal" loudness for speech at different levels, Br. J. Audiol. 34, 165-177 (2000).
232. R.W. Peters, B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and M.A. Stone, Comparison of the NAL(R) and Cambridge formulae for the fitting of linear hearing aids, Br. J. Audiol. 34, 21-36 (2000).
233. M.M. Rose and B.C.J. Moore, Effects of frequency and level on auditory stream segregation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 108, 1209-1214 (2000).
234. A. Sęk and B.C.J. Moore, Detection of quasitrapezoidal frequency and amplitude modulation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 107, 1598-1604 (2000).
235. M.A. Akeroyd, B.C.J. Moore and G.A. Moore, Melody recognition using three types of dichotic-pitch stimulus, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 110, 1498-1504 (2001).
236. T. Baer, B.C.J. Moore and J.E. Marriage, Detection and intensity discrimination of Gaussian-shaped tone pulses as a function of duration by hearing-impaired listeners, Hear. Res. 159, 74-84 (2001).
237. B.R. Glasberg, B.C.J. Moore and R.W. Peters, The influence of external and internal noise on the detection of increments and decrements in the level of sinusoids, Hear. Res. 155, 41-53 (2001).
238. H. Gockel, B.C.J. Moore and R.P. Carlyon, Influence of rate of change of frequency on the overall pitch of frequency modulated tones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 109, 701-712 (2001).
239. T.D. Griffiths, S. Blakemore, C. Elliott, B.C.J. Moore and P.F. Chinnery, Psychophysical evaluation of cochlear hair cell damage due to the A3243G mitochondrial mutation, J. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol. 2, 172-179 (2001).
240. M. Huss, B.C.J. Moore, T. Baer and B.R. Glasberg, Perception of pure tones by listeners with and without a 'dead region', Br. J. Audiol. 35, 149-150 (2001).
241. U. Jorasz and B.C.J. Moore, Peripheral and central processes in hearing, Arch. Acoust. 25, 433-439 (2001).
242. U. Jorasz and B.C.J. Moore, The two faces of auditory masking, Arch. Acoust. 25, 423-431 (2001).
243. B.C.J. Moore, M.A. Stone and J.I. Alcántara, Comparison of the electroacoustic characteristics of five hearing aids, Br. J. Audiol. 35, 307-325 (2001).
244. B.C.J. Moore, J.I. Alcántara and J.E. Marriage, Comparison of three procedures for initial fitting of compression hearing aids. I. Experienced users, fitted bilaterally, Br. J. Audiol. 35, 339-353 (2001).
245. B.C.J. Moore, Dead regions in the cochlea: Diagnosis, perceptual consequences, and implications for the fitting of hearing aids, Trends Amplif. 5, 1-34 (2001).
246. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg, J.I. Alcántara, S. Launer and V. Kuehnel, Effects of slow- and fast-acting compression on the detection of gaps in narrow bands of noise, Br. J. Audiol. 35, 365-374 (2001).
247. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Temporal modulation transfer functions obtained using sinusoidal carriers with normally hearing and hearing-impaired listeners, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 110, 1067-1073 (2001).
248. B.C.J. Moore and J.I. Alcántara, The use of psychophysical tuning curves to explore dead regions in the cochlea, Ear Hear. 22, 268-278 (2001).
249. D.A. Vickers, B.C.J. Moore and T. Baer, Effects of lowpass filtering on the intelligibility of speech in quiet for people with and without dead regions at high frequencies, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 110, 1164-1175 (2001).
250. J.I. Alcántara and B.C.J. Moore, The relative role of beats and combination tones in determining the shapes of masking patterns: II. Hearing-impaired listeners, Hear. Res. 165, 103-116 (2002).
251. T. Baer, B.C.J. Moore and K. Kluk, Effects of lowpass filtering on the intelligibility of speech in noise for people with and without dead regions at high frequencies, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 112, 1133-1144 (2002).
252. S.J. Borrill and B.C.J. Moore, Evidence that comodulation detection differences depend on within-channel mechanisms, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111, 309-319 (2002).
253. B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, A model of loudness applicable to time-varying sounds, J. Audio Eng. Soc. 50, 331-342 (2002).
254. H. Gockel, B.C.J. Moore and R.D. Patterson, Asymmetry of masking between complex tones and noise: The role of temporal structure and peripheral compression, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111, 2759-2770 (2002).
255. H. Gockel, B.C.J. Moore and R.D. Patterson, Influence of component phase on the loudness of complex tones, Acust. - Acta Acust. 88, 369-377 (2002).
256. B.C.J. Moore, J.I. Alcántara and B.R. Glasberg, Behavioural measurement of level-dependent shifts in the vibration pattern on the basilar membrane, Hear. Res. 163, 101-110 (2002).
257. B.C.J. Moore and E. Skrodzka, Detection of frequency modulation by hearing-impaired listeners: Effects of carrier frequency, modulation rate, and added amplitude modulation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111, 327-335 (2002).
258. B.C.J. Moore and H. Gockel, Factors influencing sequential stream segregation, Acta Acust. united Ac. 88, 320-333 (2002).
259. B.C.J. Moore, Hearing loss in the elderly and its compensation with hearing aids, Gerontechnology 1, 140-152 (2002).
260. B.C.J. Moore, Interference effects and phase sensitivity in hearing, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 360, 833-858 (2002).
261. B.C.J. Moore, Practical application of the TEN test for diagnosis of dead regions, Iran. Audiol. 1, 17-21 (2002).
262. B.C.J. Moore, Psychoacoustics of normal and impaired hearing, Brit. Med. Bull. 63, 121-134 (2002).
263. B.C.J. Moore, Response to "Articulation index predictions for hearing-impaired listeners with and without cochlear dead regions" [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111, 2545-2548 (2002)] (L), J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111, 2549-2550 (2002).
264. B.C.J. Moore and S.J. Borrill, Tests of a within-channel account of comodulation detection differences, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 112, 2099-2109 (2002).
265. B. Roberts, B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, Primitive stream segregation of tone sequences without differences in F0 or passband, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 112, 2074-2085 (2002).
266. A. Sęk and B.C.J. Moore, Mechanisms of modulation gap detection, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111, 2783-2792 (2002).
267. M.A. Stone and B.C.J. Moore, Tolerable hearing-aid delays. II. Estimation of limits imposed during speech production, Ear Hear. 23, 325-338 (2002).
268. J.I. Alcántara, B.C.J. Moore, V. Kühnel and S. Launer, Evaluation of the noise reduction system in a commercial digital hearing aid, Int. J. Audiol. 42, 34-42 (2003).
269. J.I. Alcántara, B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg, A.J.K. Wilkinson and U. Jorasz, Phase effects in masking: Within- versus across-channel processes, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 114, 2158-2166 (2003).
270. H. Gockel, B.C.J. Moore and R.D. Patterson, Asymmetry of masking between complex tones and noise: Partial loudness, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 114, 349-360 (2003).
271. H. Gockel, B.C.J. Moore, R.D. Patterson and R. Meddis, Louder sounds can produce less forward masking: Effects of component phase in complex tones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 114, 978-990 (2003).
272. M. Huss and B.C.J. Moore, Tone decay for hearing-impaired listeners with and without dead regions in the cochlea, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 114, 3283-3294 (2003).
273. S. Launer and B.C.J. Moore, Use of a loudness model for hearing aid fitting. V. On-line gain control in a digital hearing aid, Int. J. Audiol. 42, 262-273 (2003).
274. J.E. Marriage and B.C.J. Moore, New speech tests reveal benefit of wide-dynamic-range, fast-acting compression for consonant discrimination in children with moderate to severe hearing loss, Int. J. Audiol. 42, 418-425 (2003).
275. B.C.J. Moore, T. Killen and K.J. Munro, Application of the TEN test to hearing-impaired teenagers with severe to profound hearing loss, Int. J. Audiol. 42, 465-474 (2003).
276. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Behavioural measurement of level-dependent shifts in the vibration pattern on the basilar membrane at 1 and 2 kHz, Hear. Res. 175, 66-74 (2003).
277. B.C.J. Moore, Coding of sounds in the auditory system and its relevance to signal processing and coding in cochlear implants, Otol. Neurotol. 24, 243-254 (2003).
278. B.C.J. Moore and G.A. Moore, Discrimination of the fundamental frequency of complex tones with fixed and shifting spectral envelopes by normally hearing and hearing-impaired subjects, Hear. Res. 182, 153-163 (2003).
279. B.C.J. Moore and C.T. Tan, Perceived naturalness of spectrally distorted speech and music, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 114, 408-419 (2003).
280. B.C.J. Moore, Speech processing for the hearing-impaired: Successes, failures, and implications for speech mechanisms, Speech Comm. 41, 81-91 (2003).
281. B.C.J. Moore, Temporal integration and context effects in hearing, J. Phonetics 31, 563-574 (2003).
282. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and M.A. Stone, Why are commercials so loud? - Perception and modeling of the loudness of amplitude-compressed speech, J. Audio Eng. Soc. 51, 1123-1132 (2003).
283. G.A. Moore and B.C.J. Moore, Perception of the low pitch of frequency-shifted complexes, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 113, 977-985 (2003).
284. A. Sęk, E. Skrodzka and B.C.J. Moore, Development of a fast method for determining psychophysical tuning curves, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 113, 2287-2288 (2003).
285. A. Sęk and B.C.J. Moore, Testing the concept of a modulation filter bank: The audibility of component modulation and detection of phase change in three-component modulators, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 113, 2801-2811 (2003).
286. M.A. Stone and B.C.J. Moore, Effect of the speed of a single-channel dynamic range compressor on intelligibility in a competing speech task, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 114, 1023-1034 (2003).
287. M.A. Stone and B.C.J. Moore, Tolerable hearing-aid delays. III. Effects on speech production and perception of across-frequency variation in delay, Ear Hear. 24, 175-183 (2003).
288. C.T. Tan, B.C.J. Moore and N. Zacharov, The effect of nonlinear distortion on the perceived quality of music and speech signals, J. Audio Eng. Soc. 51, 1012-1031 (2003).
289. H. Thai-Van, C. Micheyl, B.C.J. Moore and L. Collet, Enhanced frequency discrimination near the hearing loss cutoff: A consequence of central auditory plasticity induced by cochlear damage?, Brain 126, 2235-2245 (2003).
290. J.I. Alcántara, B.C.J. Moore and J.E. Marriage, Comparison of three procedures for initial fitting of compression hearing aids. II. Experienced users, fitted unilaterally, Int. J. Audiol. 43, 3-14 (2004).
291. J.I. Alcántara, E.J.L. Weisblatt, B.C.J. Moore and P.F. Bolton, Speech-in-noise perception in high-functioning individuals with autism or Asperger's Syndrome, J. Child Psychol. Psychiat. 45, 1107-1114 (2004).
292. R.P. Carlyon, C. Micheyl, J.M. Deeks and B.C.J. Moore, Auditory processing of real and illusory changes in FM phase, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116, 3629-3639 (2004).
293. P.R. Hill, D.E.H. Hartley, B.R. Glasberg, B.C.J. Moore and D.R. Moore, Auditory processing efficiency and temporal resolution in infants and adults, Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 47, 1022-1029 (2004).
294. K. Kluk and B.C.J. Moore, Factors affecting psychophysical tuning curves for normally hearing subjects, Hear. Res. 194, 118-134 (2004).
295. J. Lyzenga, R.P. Carlyon and B.C.J. Moore, The effects of real and illusory glides on pure-tone frequency discrimination, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116, 491-501 (2004).
296. J.E. Marriage, B.C.J. Moore and J.I. Alcántara, Comparison of three procedures for initial fitting of compression hearing aids. III. Inexperienced versus experienced users, Int. J. Audiol. 43, 198-210 (2004).
297. B.C.J. Moore, Dead regions in the cochlea: Conceptual foundations, diagnosis and clinical applications, Ear Hear. 25, 98-116 (2004).
298. B.C.J. Moore and C.T. Tan, Development and validation of a method for predicting the perceived naturalness of sounds subjected to spectral distortion, J. Audio Eng. Soc. 52, 900-914 (2004).
299. B.C.J. Moore, T.H. Stainsby, J.I. Alcántara and V. Kühnel, The effect on speech intelligibility of varying compression time constants in a digital hearing aid, Int. J. Audiol. 43, 399-409 (2004).
300. B.C.J. Moore, T.H. Stainsby and E. Tarasewicz, Effects of masker component phase on the forward masking produced by complex tones in normally hearing and hearing-impaired subjects, Hear. Res. 192, 90-100 (2004).
301. B.C.J. Moore, C.T. Tan, N. Zacharov and V.-V. Matilla, Measuring and predicting the perceived quality of music and speech subjected to combined linear and nonlinear distortion, J. Audio Eng. Soc. 52, 1228-1244 (2004).
302. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and M.A. Stone, New version of the TEN test with calibrations in dB HL, Ear Hear. 25, 478-487 (2004).
303. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, A revised model of loudness perception applied to cochlear hearing loss, Hear. Res. 188, 70-88 (2004).
304. B.C.J. Moore, Testing the concept of softness imperception: Loudness near threshold for hearing-impaired ears, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 115, 3103-3111 (2004).
305. A. Sęk and B.C.J. Moore, Estimation of the level and phase of the simple distortion tone in the modulation domain, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116, 3031-3037 (2004).
306. T.H. Stainsby, B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Auditory streaming based on temporal structure in hearing-impaired listeners, Hear. Res. 192, 119-130 (2004).
307. T.H. Stainsby, B.C.J. Moore, P.J. Medland and B.R. Glasberg, Sequential streaming and effective level differences due to phase-spectrum manipulations, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 115, 1665-1673 (2004).
308. M.A. Stone and B.C.J. Moore, Estimated variability of Real Ear Insertion Response (REIR) with loudspeaker type and placement, Int. J. Audiol. 43, 271-275 (2004).
309. M.A. Stone and B.C.J. Moore, Side effects of fast-acting dynamic range compression that affect intelligibility in a competing speech task, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116, 2311-2323 (2004).
310. C.T. Tan, B.C.J. Moore, N. Zacharov and V.-V. Matilla, Predicting the perceived quality of nonlinearly distorted music and speech signals, J. Audio Eng. Soc. 52, 699-711 (2004).
311. H. Aazh, B.C.J. Moore, A.A. Peyvandi and S. Stenfelt, Influence of ear canal occlusion and static pressure difference on bone-conduction thresholds: Implications for mechanisms of bone conduction, Int. J. Audiol. 44, 302-306 (2005).
312. S. Flanagan, B.C.J. Moore and M.A. Stone, Discrimination of group delay in click-like signals presented via headphones and loudspeakers, J. Audio Eng. Soc. 53, 593-611 (2005).
313. C. Füllgrabe, B.C.J. Moore, L. Demany, S.D. Ewert, S. Sheft and C. Lorenzi, Modulation masking produced by second-order modulators, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117, 2158-2168 (2005).
314. B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, Development and evaluation of a model for predicting the audibility of time-varying sounds in the presence of background sounds, J. Audio Eng. Soc. 53, 906-918 (2005).
315. H. Gockel, R.P. Carlyon and B.C.J. Moore, Pitch discrimination interference: The role of pitch pulse asynchrony, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117, 3860-3866 (2005).
316. M. Huss and B.C.J. Moore, Dead regions and noisiness of pure tones, Int. J. Audiol. 44, 599-611 (2005).
317. M. Huss and B.C.J. Moore, Dead regions and pitch perception, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117, 3841-3852 (2005).
318. K. Kluk and B.C.J. Moore, Factors affecting psychophysical tuning curves for hearing-impaired subjects with high-frequency dead regions, Hear. Res. 200, 115-31 (2005).
319. J. Lyzenga, R.P. Carlyon and B.C.J. Moore, Dynamic aspects of the continuity illusion: perception of level and of the depth, rate, and phase of modulation, Hear. Res. 210, 30-41 (2005).
320. J. Lyzenga and B.C.J. Moore, Effect of FM coherence for inharmonic stimuli: FM-phase discrimination and identification of artificial double vowels, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117, 1314-1325 (2005).
321. J.E. Marriage, B.C.J. Moore, M.A. Stone and T. Baer, Effects of three amplification strategies on speech perception by children with severe and profound hearing loss, Ear Hear. 26, 35-47 (2005).
322. B.C.J. Moore, J.E. Marriage, J.I. Alcántara and B.R. Glasberg, Comparison of two adaptive procedures for fitting a multi-channel compression hearing aid, Int. J. Audiol. 44, 345-357 (2005).
323. K.J. Munro, C. Felthouse, B.C.J. Moore and S. Kapadia, Reassessment of cochlear dead regions in hearing-impaired teenagers with severe to profound hearing loss, Int. J. Audiol. 44, 470-477 (2005).
324. M.M. Rose and B.C.J. Moore, The relationship between stream segregation and frequency discrimination in normally hearing and hearing-impaired subjects, Hear. Res. 204, 16-28 (2005).
325. A. Sęk, J. Alcantara, B.C.J. Moore, K. Kluk and A. Wicher, Development of a fast method for determining psychophysical tuning curves, Int. J. Audiol. 44, 408-420 (2005).
326. M.A. Stone and B.C.J. Moore, Tolerable hearing-aid delays: IV. Effects on subjective disturbance during speech production by hearing-impaired subjects, Ear Hear. 26, 225-235 (2005).
327. B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, Prediction of absolute thresholds and equal-loudness contours using a modified loudness model, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120, 585-588 (2006).
328. H. Gockel, B.C.J. Moore, C.J. Plack and R.P. Carlyon, Effect of noise on the detectability and fundamental frequency discrimination of complex tones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120, 957-965 (2006).
329. K. Kluk and B.C.J. Moore, Dead regions and enhancement of frequency discrimination: Effects of audiogram slope, unilateral versus bilateral loss, and hearing-aid use, Hear. Res. 222, 1-15 (2006).
330. K. Kluk and B.C.J. Moore, Detecting dead regions using psychophysical tuning curves: a comparison of simultaneous and forward masking, Int. J. Audiol. 45, 463-476 (2006).
331. C. Lorenzi, G. Gilbert, C. Carn, S. Garnier and B.C.J. Moore, Speech perception problems of the hearing impaired reflect inability to use temporal fine structure, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103, 18866-18869 (2006).
332. E. Markessis, S. Kapadia, K.J. Munro and B.C.J. Moore, Modification of the TEN test for cochlear dead regions for use with steeply sloping high-frequency hearing loss, Int. J. Audiol. 45, 91-98 (2006).
333. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg, K.-E. Low, T. Cope and W. Cope, Effects of level and frequency on the audibility of partials in inharmonic complex tones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120, 934-944 (2006).
334. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and K. Hopkins, Frequency discrimination of complex tones by hearing-impaired subjects: Evidence for loss of ability to use temporal fine structure information, Hear. Res. 222, 16-27 (2006).
335. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg, H.J. Flanagan and J. Adams, Frequency discrimination of complex tones; assessing the role of component resolvability and temporal fine structure, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119, 480-490 (2006).
336. V.M. Richards, B.C.J. Moore and S. Launer, Potential benefits of across-aid communication for bilaterally aided people: Listening in a car, Int. J. Audiol. 45, 182-189 (2006).
337. A. Sęk and B.C.J. Moore, Perception of amplitude modulation by hearing-impaired listeners: The audibility of component modulation and detection of phase change in three-component modulators, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119, 507-514 (2006).
338. T.H. Stainsby and B.C.J. Moore, Temporal masking curves for hearing-impaired listeners, Hear. Res. 218, 98-111 (2006).
339. R.M. Uchanski, B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, The effect of modulation maskers on the detection of second-order amplitude modulation in the absence and presence of notched noise, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119, 2937-2946 (2006).
340. M. Unoki, T. Irino, B.R. Glasberg, B.C.J. Moore and R.D. Patterson, Comparison of the roex and gammachirp filters as representations of the auditory filter, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120, 1474-1492 (2006).
341. H. Aazh and B.C.J. Moore, Dead regions in the cochlea at 4 kHz in elderly adults: relation to absolute threshold, steepness of audiogram, and pure tone average, J. Am. Acad. Audiol. 18, 96-107 (2007).
342. H. Aazh and B.C.J. Moore, The value of routine real ear measurement of the gain of digital hearing aids, J. Am. Acad. Audiol. 18, 655-666 (2007).
343. T. Baer, B.C.J. Moore and D.A. Vickers, SII calculations for speech bands with sharp edges, Int. J. Audiol. 46, 630 (2007).
344. S. Cairns, R. Frith, K.J. Munro and B.C.J. Moore, Repeatability of the TEN(HL) test for detecting cochlear dead regions, Int. J. Audiol. 46, 575-584 (2007).
345. C. Fritz, I. Cross, B.C.J. Moore and J. Woodhouse, Perceptual thresholds for detecting modifications applied to the acoustical properties of a violin, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122, 3640-3650 (2007).
346. C. Füllgrabe, B.C.J. Moore, D.J. van Tasell and M.A. Stone, Effects of bandwidth on sound-quality preferences for hearing aids, Bull. Am. Aud. Soc. 32, 45 (2007).
347. H. Gockel, B.C.J. Moore, R.P. Carlyon and C.J. Plack, Effect of duration on the frequency discrimination of individual partials in a complex tone and on the discrimination of fundamental frequency, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121, 373-382 (2007).
348. H. Greenish, B.C.J. Moore and M.A. Stone, The surprising lack of effect of added AM on low-rate FM detection at high carrier frequencies, Int. J. Audiol. 46, 646-647 (2007).
349. K. Hopkins and B.C.J. Moore, Moderate cochlear hearing loss leads to a reduced ability to use temporal fine structure information, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122, 1055-1068 (2007).
350. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Modeling binaural loudness, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121, 1604-1612 (2007).
351. J. Robinson, T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Using transposition to improve consonant discrimination and detection for listeners with severe high-frequency hearing loss, Int. J. Audiol. 46, 293-308 (2007).
352. T.H. Stainsby and B.C.J. Moore, The effects of hearing loss on growth-of-masking functions for sinusoidal and complex-tone maskers with differing phase spectra, Hear. Res. 225, 38-49 (2007).
353. M.A. Stone and B.C.J. Moore, Quantifying the effects of fast-acting compression on the envelope of speech, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121, 1654-1664 (2007).
354. Vinay and B.C.J. Moore, Prevalence of dead regions in subjects with sensorineural hearing loss, Ear Hear. 28, 231-241 (2007).
355. Vinay and B.C.J. Moore, Speech recognition as a function of highpass filter cutoff frequency for people with and without low-frequency cochlear dead regions, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122, 542-553 (2007).
356. Vinay and B.C.J. Moore, TEN(HL)-test results and psychophysical tuning curves for subjects with auditory neuropathy, Int. J. Audiol. 46, 39-46 (2007).
357. H. Aazh, B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, Simplified form of tinnitus retraining therapy in adults: a retrospective study, BMC Ear Nose Throat Dis. 8, doi:10.1186/1472-6815-8-7 (2008).
358. K. Hopkins, B.C.J. Moore and M.A. Stone, Effects of moderate cochlear hearing loss on the ability to benefit from temporal fine structure information in speech, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123, 1140-1153 (2008).
359. J.E. Marriage, B.C.J. Moore, V. Ogg and M.A. Stone, Evaluation of an aided TEN test for diagnosis of dead regions in the cochlea, Ear Hear. 29, 392-400 (2008).
360. B.C.J. Moore, Basic auditory processes involved in the analysis of speech sounds, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 363, 947-963 (2008).
361. B.C.J. Moore, The choice of compression speed in hearing aids: Theoretical and practical considerations, and the role of individual differences, Trends Amplif. 12, 103-112 (2008).
362. B.C.J. Moore, L.K. Tyler and W.D. Marslen-Wilsen, Introduction. The perception of speech: from sound to meaning, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 363, 917-921 (2008).
363. B.C.J. Moore, The role of temporal fine structure processing in pitch perception, masking, and speech perception for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired people, J. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol. 9, 399-406 (2008).
364. B.C.J. Moore, M.A. Stone, C. Füllgrabe, B.R. Glasberg and S. Puria, Spectro-temporal characteristics of speech at high frequencies, and the potential for restoration of audibility to people with mild-to-moderate hearing loss, Ear Hear. 29, 907-922 (2008).
365. B. Roberts, B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, Effects of the build-up and resetting of auditory stream segregation on temporal discrimination, J. Exp. Psychol.: Human Percept. Perf. 34, 992-1006 (2008).
366. M.A. Stone, C. Füllgrabe and B.C.J. Moore, Benefit of high-rate envelope cues in vocoder processing: Effect of number of channels and spectral region, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 124, 2272-2282 (2008).
367. M.A. Stone, B.C.J. Moore and H. Greenish, Discrimination of envelope statistics reveals evidence of sub-clinical hearing damage in a noise-exposed population with 'normal' hearing thresholds, Int. J. Audiol. 47, 737-750 (2008).
368. M.A. Stone and B.C.J. Moore, Effects of spectro-temporal modulation changes produced by multi-channel compression on intelligibility in a competing-speech task, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123, 1063-1076 (2008).
369. M.A. Stone, B.C.J. Moore, K. Meisenbacher and R.P. Derleth, Tolerable hearing-aid delays. V. Estimation of limits for open canal fittings, Ear Hear. 29, 601-617 (2008).
370. C.T. Tan and B.C.J. Moore, Perception of nonlinear distortion by hearing-impaired people, Int. J. Audiol. 47, 246-256 (2008).
371. Vinay and B.C.J. Moore, Effects of activation of the efferent system on psychophysical tuning curves as a function of signal frequency, Hear. Res. 240, 93-101 (2008).
372. Vinay, T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Speech recognition in noise as a function of highpass-filter cutoff frequency for people with and without low-frequency cochlear dead regions, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123, 606-609 (2008).
373. H. Aazh, B.C.J. Moore and P. Roberts, Patient-centered tinnitus management tool: a clinical audit, Am. J. Audiol. 18, 7-13 (2009).
374. P.J. Boyle, A. Buchner, M.A. Stone, T. Lenarz and B.C.J. Moore, Comparison of dual-time-constant and fast-acting automatic gain control (AGC) systems in cochlear implants, Int. J. Audiol. 48, 211-21 (2009).
375. S.A. Creeke and B.C.J. Moore, Enhancing speech perception using bilaterally fitted hearing aids: Real-time cross-ear processing for in-car listening, Int. J. Audiol. 48, 516 (2009).
376. C. Füllgrabe, M.A. Stone and B.C.J. Moore, Contribution of very low amplitude-modulation rates to intelligibility in a competing-speech task, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125, 1277-1280 (2009).
377. H.E. Gockel, E.R. Hafter and B.C.J. Moore, Pitch discrimination interference: The role of ear of entry and of octave similarity, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125, 324-327 (2009).
378. G. Hilkhuysen and B.C.J. Moore, Effects of lowpass and highpass filtering of speech on intelligibility in steady and interrupted noise, (in preparation) (2009).
379. G. Hilkhuysen and B.C.J. Moore, The intensity-importance function for sentences: Contributions of speech envelope and temporal fine structure cues to speech intelligibility, (in preparation) (2009).
380. K. Hopkins and B.C.J. Moore, The contribution of temporal fine structure to the intelligibility of speech in steady and modulated noise, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125, 442-446 (2009).
381. C. Lorenzi, L. Debruille, S. Garnier, P. Fleuriot and B.C.J. Moore, Abnormal processing of temporal fine structure in speech for frequencies where absolute thresholds are normal, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125, 27-30 (2009).
382. E. Markessis, H. Nasr-Addine, C. Colin, I. Hoonhorst, G. Collet, P. Deltenre, K.J. Munro and B.C.J. Moore, Effect of presentation level on diagnosis of dead regions using the threshold equalizing noise test, Int. J. Audiol. 48, 55-62 (2009).
383. H. Miyazono, B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, Dominant region for pitch at low fundamental frequencies (F0): the effect of fundamental frequency, phase and temporal structure, Acoust. Sci. Tech. 30, 161-169 (2009).
384. H. Miyazono and B.C.J. Moore, Perceptual learning of frequency discrimination for tones with low fundamental frequency: Learning for high but not for low harmonics, Acoust. Sci. Tech. 30, 383-386 (2009).
385. B.C.J. Moore and Vinay, Amplitude-modulation detection by listeners with unilateral dead regions, J. Am. Acad. Audiol. 20, 597-606 (2009).
386. B.C.J. Moore and A. Sęk, Development of a fast method for determining sensitivity to temporal fine structure, Int. J. Audiol. 48, 161-171 (2009).
387. B.C.J. Moore, K. Hopkins and S.J. Cuthbertson, Discrimination of complex tones with unresolved components using temporal fine structure information, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125, 3214-3222 (2009).
388. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and M.L. Jepsen, Effects of pulsing of the target tone on the audibility of partials in inharmonic complex tones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125, 3194-3204 (2009).
389. B.C.J. Moore and Vinay, Enhanced discrimination of low-frequency sounds for subjects with high-frequency dead regions, Brain 132, 524-536 (2009).
390. B.C.J. Moore, C. Füllgrabe and A. Sęk, Estimation of the center frequency of the highest modulation filter, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125, 1075-1081 (2009).
391. B.C.J. Moore and A. Sęk, Sensitivity of the human auditory system to temporal fine structure at high frequencies, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125, 3186-3193 (2009).
392. J. Robinson, T.H. Stainsby, T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Evaluation of a frequency transposition algorithm using wearable hearing aids, Int. J. Audiol. 48, 384-393 (2009).
393. M.A. Stone, C. Füllgrabe and B.C.J. Moore, High-rate envelope information in many channels provides resistance to reduction of speech intelligibility produced by multi-channel fast-acting compression, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 126, 2155-2158 (2009).
394. M.A. Stone, B.C.J. Moore, C. Füllgrabe and A.C. Hinton, Multi-channel fast-acting dynamic-range compression hinders performance by young, normal-hearing listeners in a two-talker separation task, J. Audio Eng. Soc. 57, 532-546 (2009).
395. D.A. Vickers, J. Robinson, C. Füllgrabe, T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Relative importance of different spectral bands to consonant identification: Relevance for frequency transposition in hearing aids, Int. J. Audiol. 48, 334-345 (2009).
396. S.M. Ernst and B.C.J. Moore, Mechanisms underlying the detection of frequency modulation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128, 3642-3648 (2010).
397. C. Fritz, J. Woodhouse, F. Cheng, I. Cross, A.F. Blackwell and B.C.J. Moore, Perceptual studies of violin body damping and vibrato, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127, 513-524 (2010).
398. C. Füllgrabe, T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Effect of linear and warped spectral transposition on consonant identification by normal-hearing listeners with a simulated dead region, Int. J. Audiol. 49, 420-433 (2010).
399. C. Füllgrabe, T. Baer, M.A. Stone and B.C.J. Moore, Preliminary evaluation of a method for fitting hearing aids with extended bandwidth, Int. J. Audiol. 49, 741-753 (2010).
400. B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, The loudness of sounds whose spectra differ at the two ears, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127, 2433-2440 (2010).
401. S.A. Goldman, T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Within-channel cues to comodulation masking release for single and symmetrically placed pairs of flanking bands, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128, 2988-2997 (2010).
402. K. Hopkins and B.C.J. Moore, Development of a fast method for measuring sensitivity to temporal fine structure information at low frequencies, Int. J. Audiol. 49, 940-946 (2010).
403. K. Hopkins, B.C.J. Moore and M.A. Stone, The effects of the addition of low-level, low-noise noise on the intelligibility of sentences processed to remove temporal envelope information, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128, 2150-2161 (2010).
404. K. Hopkins and B.C.J. Moore, The importance of temporal fine structure information in speech at different spectral regions for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired subjects, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127, 1595-1608 (2010).
405. C. Jurado and B.C.J. Moore, Frequency selectivity for frequencies below 100 Hz: comparisons with mid-frequencies, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128, 3585-3596 (2010).
406. R.H. Margolis, B.R. Glasberg, S. Creeke and B.C.J. Moore, AMTAS® - Automated Method for Testing Auditory Sensitivity: Validation studies, Int. J. Audiol. 49, 185-194 (2010).
407. E. Markessis, L. Poncelet, C. Colin, I. Hoonhorst, G. Collet, A. Coppens, P. Deltenre and B.C.J. Moore, Auditory Steady State Evoked Potentials vs Compound Action Potentials for the measurement of suppression tuning curves in the sedated dog puppy,Int. J. Audiol. 49, 455-462 (2010).
408. H. Miyazono, B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, Perceptual learning of fundamental frequency discrimination: Effects of fundamental frequency, harmonic number, and component phase, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128, 3649-3657 (2010).
409. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and M.A. Stone, Development of a new method for deriving initial fittings for hearing aids with multi-channel compression: CAMEQ2-HF, Int. J. Audiol. 49, 216-227 (2010).
410. B.C.J. Moore, C. Füllgrabe and M.A. Stone, Effect of spatial separation, extended bandwidth, and compression speed on intelligibility in a competing-speech task, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128, 360-371 (2010).
411. B.C.J. Moore and C. Füllgrabe, Evaluation of the CAMEQ2-HF method for fitting hearing aids with multi-channel amplitude compression, Ear Hear. 31, 657-666 (2010).
412. B.C.J. Moore, Vinay and Sandhya, The relationship between tinnitus pitch and the edge frequency of the audiogram in individuals with hearing impairment and tonal tinnitus, Hear. Res. 261, 51-56 (2010).
413. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, The role of temporal fine structure in harmonic segregation through mistuning, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127, 5-8 (2010).
414. G.R. Popelka, J. Derebery, N.H. Blevins, M. Murray, B.C.J. Moore, R.W. Sweetow, B. Wu, L. Centore and M. Katsis, Preliminary evaluation of a novel bone conduction device for single sided deafness, Otol. Neurotol. 31, 492-497 (2010).
415. A. Sęk, B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, The origin of binaural interaction in the modulation domain, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127, 2451-2460 (2010).
416. M.A. Stone, C. Füllgrabe and B.C.J. Moore, Relative contribution to speech intelligibility of different envelope modulation rates within the speech dynamic range, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128, 2127-2137 (2010).
417. Vinay and B.C.J. Moore, Effects of the use of personal music players on amplitude modulation detection and frequency discrimination, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128, 3634-3641 (2010).
418. Vinay and B.C.J. Moore, Psychophysical tuning curves and recognition of highpass and lowpass filtered speech for a person with an inverted V-shaped audiogram, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127, 660-663 (2010).
419. H. Aazh, B.C.J. Moore and D. Prasher, Providing support to school children with hyperacusis, Brit. J. Sch. Nurs. 6, 178-182 (2011).
420. Z. Chen, G. Hu, B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, A new method of calculating auditory excitation patterns and loudness for steady sounds, Hear. Res. 282, 204-215 (2011).
421. Z. Chen, G. Hu, B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, A new model for calculating auditory excitation patterns and loudness for cases of cochlear hearing loss, Hear. Res. 282, 69-80 (2011).
422. T. Cope, D.M. Baguley and B.C.J. Moore, Tinnitus loudness in quiet and noise after resection of vestibular schwannoma, Otol. Neurotol. 32, 488-496 (2011).
423. S.A. Goldman, T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Disrupting within-channel cues to comodulation masking release, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129, 3181-3193 (2011).
424. S.A. Goldman, T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Effects of the selective disruption of within- and across-channel cues to comodulation masking release, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130, 2866-2873 (2011).
425. K. Hopkins and B.C.J. Moore, The effects of age and cochlear hearing loss on temporal fine structure sensitivity, frequency selectivity, and speech reception in noise, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130, 334-349 (2011).
426. C. Jurado, C.S. Pedersen and B.C.J. Moore, Psychophysical tuning curves for frequencies below 100 Hz, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129, 3166-3180 (2011).
427. R.H. Margolis and B.C.J. Moore, AMTAS® - Automated Method for Testing Auditory Sensitivity: III. Sensorineural hearing loss and air-bone gaps, Int. J. Audiol. 50, 440-447 (2011).
428. B.C.J. Moore, C. Füllgrabe and M.A. Stone, Determination of preferred parameters for multi-channel compression using individually fitted simulated hearing aids and paired comparisons, Ear Hear. 32, 556-568 (2011).
429. B.C.J. Moore and B.R. Glasberg, The effect of hearing loss on the resolution of partials and fundamental frequency discrimination, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130, 2891-2901 (2011).
430. B.C.J. Moore and A. Sęk, Effect of level on the discrimination of harmonic and frequency-shifted complex tones at high frequencies, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129, 3206-3212 (2011).
431. B.C.J. Moore and H. Gockel, Resolvability of components in complex tones and implications for theories of pitch perception, Hear. Res. 276, 88-97 (2011).
432. A. Sęk and B.C.J. Moore, Implementation of a fast method for measuring psychophysical tuning curves, Int. J. Audiol. 50, 237-242 (2011).
433. T.H. Stainsby, C. Füllgrabe, H.J. Flanagan, S.K. Waldman and B.C.J. Moore, Sequential streaming due to manipulation of interaural time differences, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130, 904-914 (2011).
434. M.A. Stone, B.C.J. Moore and C. Füllgrabe, The dynamic range of useful temporal fine structure cues for speech in the presence of a competing talker, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130, 2162-2172 (2011).
435. M.A. Stone, C. Füllgrabe, R.C. Mackinnon and B.C.J. Moore, The importance for speech intelligibility of random fluctuations in "steady" background noise, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130, 2874-2881 (2011).
436. H. Aazh, B.C.J. Moore and D. Prasher, The accuracy of matching target insertion gains with open-fit hearing aids, Am. J. Audiol. 21, 175-180 (2012).
437. H. Aazh, B.C.J. Moore and D. Prasher, Real ear measurement methods for open fit hearing aids: modified pressure concurrent equalisation (MPCE) versus modified pressure stored equalisation (MPSE), Int. J. Audiol. 51, 103-107 (2012).
438. J. Chen, T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Effect of enhancement of spectral changes on speech intelligibility and clarity preferences for the hearing impaired, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131, 2987-2998 (2012).
439. J. Chen, H. Li, L. Li, B.C.J. Moore and X. Wu, Informational masking of speech produced by speech-like sounds without linguistic content, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131, 2914-2926 (2012).
440. S.M. Ernst and B.C.J. Moore, The role of time and place cues in the detection of frequency modulation by hearing-impaired listeners, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131, 4722-4731 (2012).
441. C. Fritz, A.F. Blackwell, I. Cross, J. Woodhouse and B.C.J. Moore, Exploring violin sound quality: Investigating English timbre descriptors and correlating resynthesized acoustical modifications with perceptual properties, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131, 783-794 (2012).
442. C. Füllgrabe and B.C.J. Moore, Objective and subjective measures of pure-tone stream segregation based on interaural time differences, Hear. Res. 291, 24-33 (2012).
443. S.A. Goldman, T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Comodulation masking release: Effects of training and experimental design on use of within- and across-channel cues, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132, 303-316 (2012).
444. K. Hopkins, A. King and B.C.J. Moore, The effect of compression speed on intelligibility: simulated hearing-aid processing with and without original temporal fine structure information, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132, 1592-1601 (2012).
445. A. Léger, B.C.J. Moore and C. Lorenzi, Abnormal speech processing in frequency regions where absolute thresholds are normal for listeners with high-frequency hearing loss, Hear. Res. 294, 95-103 (2012).
446. A. Léger, B.C.J. Moore, D. Gnansia and C. Lorenzi, Effects of spectral smearing on the identification of speech in noise filtered into low- and mid-frequency regions, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131, 4114-4123 (2012).
447. A. Léger, B.C.J. Moore and C. Lorenzi, Temporal and spectral masking release in the low- and mid-frequency regions for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131, 1502-1514 (2012).
448. T. Lunner, R.K. Hietkamp, M.R. Andersen, K. Hopkins and B.C.J. Moore, Effect of speech material on the benefit of temporal fine structure information in speech for young normal-hearing and older hearing-impaired participants, Ear Hear. 33, 377-388 (2012).
449. B.C.J. Moore, Contributions of von Békésy to psychoacoustics, Hear. Res. 293, 51-57 (2012).
450. B.C.J. Moore, D.A. Vickers and A. Mehta, The effects of age on temporal fine structure sensitivity in monaural and binaural conditions, Int. J. Audiol. 51, 715-721 (2012).
451. B.C.J. Moore, Effects of bandwidth, compression speed, and gain at high frequencies on preferences for amplified music, Trends Amplif. 16, 159-172 (2012).
452. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg and A.J. Oxenham, Effects of pulsing of a target tone on the ability to hear it out in different types of complex sounds, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131, 2927-2937 (2012).
453. B.C.J. Moore and S.M.A. Ernst, Frequency difference limens at high frequencies: Evidence for a transition from a temporal to a place code, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132, 1542-1547 (2012).
454. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg, M. Stoev, C. Füllgrabe and K. Hopkins, The influence of age and high-frequency hearing loss on sensitivity to temporal fine structure at low frequencies, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131, 1003-1006 (2012).
455. B.C.J. Moore and H. Gockel, Properties of auditory stream formation, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 367, 919-931 (2012).
456. B.C.J. Moore, S. Creeke, B.R. Glasberg, M.A. Stone and A. Sęk, A version of the TEN test for use with ER-3A insert earphones, Ear Hear. 33, 554-557 (2012).
457. T. Neher, T. Lunner, K. Hopkins and B.C.J. Moore, Binaural temporal fine structure sensitivity, cognitive function, and spatial speech recognition of hearing-impaired listeners (L), J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131, 2561-2564 (2012).
458. J.-L. Schwartz, N. Grimault, J.-M. Hupé, B.C.J. Moore and D. Pressnitzer, Multistability in perception: Binding sensory modalities, an overview, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 367, 896-905 (2012).
459. A. Sęk and B.C.J. Moore, Implementation of two tests for measuring sensitivity to temporal fine structure, Int. J. Audiol. 51, 58-63 (2012).
460. M.A. Stone, C. Füllgrabe and B.C.J. Moore, Notionally steady background noise acts primarily as a modulation masker of speech, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132, 317-326 (2012).
461. M.A. Stone, K. Anton and B.C.J. Moore, Use of high-rate envelope speech cues and their perceptually relevant dynamic range for the hearing impaired, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132, 1141-1151 (2012).
462. S. Teki, S. Kumar, K. von Kriegstein, L. Stewart, B.C.J. Moore, B. Capleton and T.D. Griffiths, Navigating the auditory scene: an expert role for the hippocampus, J. Neurosci. 32, 12251-12257 (2012).
463. J. Wang, T. Baer, B.R. Glasberg, M.A. Stone, D. Ye and B.C.J. Moore, Pitch perception of concurrent harmonic tones with overlapping spectra, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132, 339-356 (2012).
464. P.J. Boyle, T.B. Nunn, A.F. O'Conner and B.C.J. Moore, STARR: A speech test for evaluation of the effectiveness of auditory prostheses under realistic conditions, Ear Hear. 34, 203-212 (2013).
465. I.C. Bruce, A.C. Léger, B.C.J. Moore and C. Lorenzi, Physiological prediction of masking release for normal-hearing and hearing impaired listeners, POMA 19, 050178 DOI: 10.1121/1.4799733 (2013).
466. J. Chen, T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Effect of spectral change enhancement for the hearing impaired using parameter values selected with a genetic algorithm, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133, 2910-2920 (2013).
467. H.M. Jackson and B.C.J. Moore, Contribution of temporal fine structure information and fundamental frequency separation to intelligibility in a competing-speaker paradigm, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133, 2421-2430 (2013).
468. H.M. Jackson and B.C.J. Moore, The dominant region for the pitch of complex tones with low fundamental frequencies, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134, 1193-1204 (2013).
469. A. Kolarik, S. Cirstea, S. Pardhan and B.C.J. Moore, An assessment of virtual auditory distance judgments among blind and sighted listeners, POMA 19, 050043 DOI: 10.1121/1.4799570 (2013).
470. A.J. Kolarik, S. Cirstea, S. Pardhan and B.C.J. Moore, Using acoustic information to perceive room size: effects of blindness, room reverberation time, and stimulus, Perception 52, 985-990 (2013).
471. S.M.K. Madsen and B.C.J. Moore, Effects of compression on the use of onset time differences to detect one tone in the presence of another, POMA 19, 050020 DOI: 10.1121/1.4799634 (2013).
472. A.N. Malicka, K.J. Munro, T. Baer, R.J. Baker and B.C.J. Moore, The effect of low-pass filtering on identification of nonsense syllables in quiet by school-age children with and without cochlear dead regions, Ear Hear. 34, 458-469 (2013).
473. R.H. Margolis, R.H. Eikelboom, C. Johnson, S.M. Ginter, D.W. Swanepoel and B.C.J. Moore, False air-bone gaps at 4 kHz in listeners with normal hearing and sensorineural hearing loss, Int. J. Audiol. 52, 526-532 (2013).
474. H. Miyazono and B.C.J. Moore, Implications for pitch mechanisms of perceptual learning of fundamental frequency discrimination: Effects of spectral region and phase, Acoust. Sci. Tech. 34, 404-412 (2013).
475. B.C.J. Moore and A.N. Malicka, Cochlear dead regions in adults and children: Diagnosis and clinical implications, Sem. Hear. 34, 37-50 (2013).
476. B.C.J. Moore and A. Sęk, Comparison of the CAM2 and NAL-NL2 hearing-aid fitting methods, Ear Hear. 34, 83-95 (2013).
477. B.C.J. Moore, Modeling loudness for impaired ears and applications to fitting hearing aids, POMA 19, 050185 DOI: 10.1121/1.4799500 (2013).
478. B.C.J. Moore and G.R. Popelka, Preliminary comparison of bone-anchored hearing instruments and a dental device as treatments for unilateral hearing loss, Int. J. Audiol. 52, 678-686 (2013).
479. C. Füllgrabe and B.C.J. Moore, Effects of age and hearing loss on stream segregation based on interaural time differences, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 136, EL185-191 (2014).
480. H.M. Jackson and B.C.J. Moore, The role of excitation-pattern and temporal-fine-structure cues in the discrimination of harmonic and frequency-shifted complex tones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135, 1356-1570 (2014).
481. A. Kolarik, S. Cirstea, S. Pardhan and B.C.J. Moore, A summary of research investigating echolocation abilities of blind and sighted humans, Hear. Res. 310, 60-68 (2014).
482. S.M.K. Madsen and B.C.J. Moore, Effects of compression and temporal asynchronies on the detection of one tone in the presence of another, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135, 2902-2912 (2014).
483. S.M.K. Madsen and B.C.J. Moore, Music and hearing aids, Trends Hear. 18, 1-29 (2014).
484. B.C.J. Moore, Development and current status of the "Cambridge" loudness models, Trends Hear. 18, 1-29 (2014).
485. B.C.J. Moore, A. Gibbs, G. Onions and B.R. Glasberg, Measurement and modeling of binaural loudness summation for hearing-impaired listeners, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 136, 736-747 (2014).
486. M. Pienkowski, R.S. Tyler, E. Rojas Roncancio, H.J. Jun, T. Brozoski, N. Dauman, C.B. Coelho, G. Andersson, A.J. Keiner, A. Cacace, N. Martin and B.C.J. Moore, A review of hyperacusis and future directions: Part II. Measurement, mechanisms, and treatment, Am. J. Audiol. 23, 420-436 (2014).
487. M.A. Stone and B.C.J. Moore, Amplitude-modulation detection in recreational-noise-exposed humans with near-normal hearing thresholds and its medium-term progression, Hear. Res. 317, 50-62 (2014).
488. M.A. Stone and B.C.J. Moore, On the near non-existence of "pure" energetic masking release for speech, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135, 1967-1977 (2014).
489. M.A. Stone, A.M. Paul, P. Axon and B.C.J. Moore, A technique for estimating the occlusion effect for frequencies below 125 Hz, Ear Hear. 34, 49-55 (2014).
490. R.S. Tyler, M. Pienkowski, E. Rojas Roncancio, H.J. Jun, T. Brozoski, N. Dauman, C.B. Coelho, G. Andersson, A.J. Keiner, A. Cacace, N. Martin and B.C.J. Moore, A review of hyperacusis and future directions: Part I. Definitions and manifestations,Am. J. Audiol. 23, 402-419 (2014).
491. A. Wicher and B.C.J. Moore, Effect of broadband and narrowband contralateral noise on psychophysical tuning curves and otoacoustic emissions, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135, 2931-2941 (2014).
492. T. Zhang, M.F. Dorman, R. Gifford and B.C.J. Moore, Cochlear dead regions constrain the benefit of combining acoustic stimulation with electric stimulation, Ear Hear. 35, 410-417 (2014).
493. H. Aazh, D. Prasher, K. Nanchahal and B.C.J. Moore, Hearing aid use and its determinants in the UK National Health Service: A cross-sectional study at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, Int. J. Audiol. 54, 152-161 (2015).
494. P.J. Boyle and B.C.J. Moore, Balancing cochlear implant AGC and near-instantaneous compression to improve perception of soft speech, Cochlear Implants Int. 16 Suppl 1, S9-S11 (2015).
495. C. Füllgrabe, B.C.J. Moore and M.A. Stone, Age-group differences in speech identification despite matched audiometrically normal hearing: Contributions from auditory temporal processing and cognition, Front. Aging Neurosci. 6, Article 347, 1-25 (2015).
496. S.C. Levy, D.J. Freed, M. Nilsson, B.C.J. Moore and S. Puria, Extended high-frequency bandwidth improves speech reception in the presence of spatially separated masking speech, Ear Hear. 36, e214-e224 (2015).
497. S.M.K. Madsen, M.A. Stone, M.F. McKinney, K. Fitz and B.C.J. Moore, Effects of wide dynamic-range compression on the perceived clarity of individual musical instruments, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137, 1867-1876 (2015).
498. F. Marmel, C.J. Plack, K. Hopkins, R.P. Carlyon, H.E. Gockel and B.C.J. Moore, The role of excitation-pattern cues in the detection of frequency shifts in bandpass-filtered complex tones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137, 2687-2697 (2015).
499. A. Sęk, T. Baer, W. Crinnion, A. Springgay and B.C.J. Moore, Modulation masking within and across carriers for subjects with normal and impaired hearing, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 138, 1143-1153 (2015).
500. H. Aazh and B.C.J. Moore, A comparison between tinnitus retraining therapy and a simplified version in treatment of tinnitus in adults, Aud. Vestib. Res. 25, 14-23 (2016).
501. H. Aazh, B.C.J. Moore, K. Lammaing and M. Cropley, Tinnitus and hyperacusis therapy in a UK National Health Service audiology department: Patients' evaluations of the effectiveness of treatments, Int. J. Audiol. 55, 514-522 (2016).
502. J. Fairnie, B.C.J. Moore and A. Remington, Missing a trick: Auditory load modulates conscious awareness in audition, J. Exp. Psychol.: Human Percept. Perf. 42, 930-938 (2016).
503. A. Kolarik, A.C. Scarfe, B.C.J. Moore and S. Pardhan, An assessment of auditory-guided locomotion in an obstacle circumvention task, Exp. Brain Res. 235, 1725-1735 (2016).
504. A. Kolarik, B.C.J. Moore, P. Zahorik, S. Cirstea and S. Pardhan, Auditory distance perception in humans: A review of cues, development, neuronal bases and effects of sensory loss, Atten. Percept. Psychophys. 78, 373-395, DOI 10.3758/s13414-015-1015-1 (2016).
505. P.J. Kullar, J. Quail, P. Lindsey, J.A. Wilson, R. Horvath, P. Yu-Wai-Man, B.C.J. Moore and P.F. Chinnery, Both mitochondrial DNA and mitonuclear gene mutations cause hearing loss through cochlear dysfunction, Brain 139 e33, 1-5 (2016).
506. B.C.J. Moore and A. Sęk, Comparison of the CAM2A and NAL-NL2 hearing-aid fitting methods for participants with a wide range of hearing losses, Int. J. Audiol. 55, 93-100 (2016).
507. B.C.J. Moore, Effects of age and hearing loss on the processing of auditory temporal fine structure, Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 894, 1-8 (2016).
508. B.C.J. Moore, T. Baer, D.T. Ives, J. Marriage and M. Salorio-Corbetto, Effects of modified hearing-aid fittings on loudness and tone quality for different acoustic scenes, Ear Hear. 37, 483-491 (2016).
509. B.C.J. Moore, Effects of sound-induced hearing loss and hearing aids on the perception of music, J. Audio Eng. Soc. 64, 112-123 (2016).
510. B.C.J. Moore, A. Kolarik, M.A. Stone and Y.-W. Lee, Evaluation of a method for enhancing interaural level differences at low frequencies, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140, 2817-2828 (2016).
511. B.C.J. Moore, B.R. Glasberg, A. Varathanathan and J. Schlittenlacher, A loudness model for time-varying sounds incorporating binaural inhibition, Trends Hear. 20, 1-16 (2016).
512. B.C.J. Moore and A.P. Sęk, Preferred compression speed for speech and music and its relationship to sensitivity to temporal fine structure, Trends Hear. 20, 1-15 (2016).
513. B.C.J. Moore, A review of the perceptual effects of hearing loss for frequencies above 3 kHz, Int. J. Audiol. 55, 707-714 (2016).
514. V.K. Narne, M. Sharma, B. Van Dun, S. Bansal, L. Prabhu and B.C.J. Moore, Effects of spectral smearing on performance of the spectral ripple and spectro-temporal ripple tests, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140, 4298-4306 (2016).
515. J. Schlittenlacher and B.C.J. Moore, Discrimination of amplitude-modulation depth by subjects with normal and impaired hearing, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140, 3487-3495 (2016).
516. A. Taghipour, B.C. Moore and B. Edler, Durations required to distinguish noise and tone: Effects of noise bandwidth and frequency, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 139, 2482-2488 (2016).
517. A. Taghipour, B.C.J. Moore and B. Edler, Masked threshold for noise bands masked by narrower bands of noise: Effects of masker bandwidth and center frequency, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 139, 2403-2406 (2016).
518. A. Thwaites, B.R. Glasberg, I. Nimmo-Smith, W.D. Marslen-Wilsen and B.C.J. Moore, Representation of instantaneous and short-term loudness in the human cortex, Front. Neurosci. 10, article 183, 1-11 (2016).
519. N. Wallaert, B.C.J. Moore and C. Lorenzi, Comparing the effects of age on amplitude modulation and frequency modulation detection, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 139, 3088-3096 (2016).
520. T.-C. Zorila, Y. Stylianou, S. Flanagan and B.C.J. Moore, Effectiveness of a loudness model for time-varying sounds in equating the loudness of sentences subjected to different forms of signal processing, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140, 402-408 (2016).
521. H. Aazh and B.C.J. Moore, Audiological rehabilitation for facilitating hearing aid use: A review, J. Am. Acad. Audiol. 28, 248-260 (2017).
522. H. Aazh and B.C.J. Moore, Factors associated with depression in patients with tinnitus and hyperacusis, Am. J. Audiol. 26, 562-569 (2017).
523. H. Aazh, K. Lammaing and B.C.J. Moore, Factors related to tinnitus and hyperacusis handicap in older people, Int. J. Audiol. 56, 677-684 (2017).
524. H. Aazh and B.C.J. Moore, Factors related to Uncomfortable Loudness Levels for patients seen in a tinnitus and hyperacusis clinic, Int. J. Audiol. 56, 793-800 (2017).
525. H. Aazh and B.C.J. Moore, Incidence of discomfort during pure-tone audiometry and measurement of uncomfortable loudness levels among people seeking help for tinnitus and/or hyperacusis, Am. J. Audiol. 26, 226-232 (2017).
526. H. Aazh and B.C.J. Moore, Usefulness of self-report questionnaires for psychological assessment of patients with tinnitus and hyperacusis and patients' views of the questionnaires, Int. J. Audiol. 56, 483-492 (2017).
527. C. Füllgrabe, A.J. Harland, A.P. Sęk and B.C.J. Moore, Development of a method for determining binaural sensitivity to temporal fine structure, Int. J. Audiol. 56, 926-935 (2017).
528. C. Füllgrabe and B.C.J. Moore, Evaluation of a method for determining binaural sensitivity to temporal fine structure (TFS-AF test) for older listeners with normal and impaired low-frequency hearing, Trends Hear. 21, 1-14 (2017).
529. C. Jurado, P. Gallegos, D. Gordillo and B.C.J. Moore, The detailed shapes of equal-loudness-level contours at low frequencies, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 142, 3821-3832 (2017).
530. A. Kolarik, A.C. Scarfe, B.C.J. Moore and S. Pardhan, Blindness enhances auditory obstacle circumvention: Assessing echolocation, sensory substitution, and visual-based navigation, PLoS One 12, e017575 (2017).
531. A.J. Kolarik, S. Cirstea, S. Pardhan and B.C.J. Moore, Auditory spatial representations of the world are compressed in blind humans, Exp. Brain Res. 235, 597-606 (2017).
532. H.M. Kondo, A.M. van Loon, J.-I. Kawahara and B.C.J. Moore, Auditory and visual scene analysis: an overview, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 372, 20160099 (2017).
533. M. Salorio-Corbetto, T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Evaluation of a frequency-lowering algorithm for adults with high-frequency hearing loss, Trends Hear. 21, 1-23 (2017).
534. M. Salorio-Corbetto, T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Quality ratings of frequency-compressed speech by participants with extensive high-frequency dead regions in the cochlea, Int. J. Audiol. 56, 106-120 (2017).
535. A. Thwaites, J. Schlittenlacher, I. Nimmo-Smith, W.D. Marslen-Wilson and B.C.J. Moore, Tonotopic representation of loudness in the human cortex, Hear. Res. 344, 244-254 (2017).
536. Vinay, A.S. Hansen, Ø. Raen and B.C.J. Moore, Reference thresholds for the TEN(HL) test for people with normal hearing, Int. J. Audiol. 56, 672-676 (2017).
537. N. Wallaert, B.C.J. Moore, S.D. Ewert and C. Lorenzi, Sensorineural hearing loss enhances auditory sensitivity and temporal integration for amplitude modulation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 141, 971-980 (2017).
538. T.-C. Zorila, Y. Stylianou, S. Flanagan and B.C.J. Moore, Evaluation of near-end speech enhancement under equal-loudness constraint for listeners with normal-hearing and mild-to-moderate hearing loss, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 141, 189-196 (2017).
539. H. Aazh and B.C.J. Moore, Effectiveness of audiologist-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for tinnitus and hyperacusis rehabilitation: outcomes for patients treated in routine practice, Am. J. Audiol. 27, 547-558 (2018).
540. H. Aazh, M. Knipper, A. Danesh, A. Cavanna, L. Andrsson, J. Paulin, M. Schecklmann, M. Heinonen and B.C.J. Moore, Insights from the third international conference on hyperacusis: Causes, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment, Noise Health 20, 162-170 (2018).
541. H. Aazh and B.C.J. Moore, Prevalence and characteristics of patients with severe hyperacusis among patients seen in a tinnitus and hyperacusis clinic, J. Am. Acad. Audiol. 29, 626–633 (2018).
542. H. Aazh and B.C.J. Moore, Proportion and characteristics of patients who were offered, enrolled in and completed audiologist-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for tinnitus and hyperacusis rehabilitation in a specialist UK clinic, Int. J. Audiol. 57, 415-425 (2018).
543. H. Aazh and B.C.J. Moore, Thoughts about suicide and self-harm in patients with tinnitus and hyperacusis, J. Am. Acad. Audiol. 29, 255-261 (2018).
544. H. Aazh, D. McFerran and B.C.J. Moore, Uncomfortable loudness levels among children and adolescents seeking help for tinnitus and/or hyperacusis, Int. J. Audiol. 57, 618-623 (2018).
545. J. Chen, B.C.J. Moore, T. Baer and X. Wu, Individually tailored spectral-change enhancement for the hearing impaired, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 143, 1128-1137 (2018).
546. S. Flanagan, T.C. Zorila, Y. Stylianou and B.C.J. Moore, Speech processing to improve the perception of speech in background noise for children with auditory processing disorder and typically developing peers, Trends Hear. 22, 1-8 (2018).
547. C. Füllgrabe and B.C.J. Moore, Association between the processing of binaural temporal-fine-structure information and audiometric threshold and age: A meta-analysis, Trends Hear. 22, 1-14 (2018).
548. C. Füllgrabe, A. Sęk and B.C.J. Moore, Senescent changes in sensitivity to binaural temporal fine structure, Trends Hear. 22, 1-16 (2018).
549. M. Keshavarzi, T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Evaluation of a multi-channel algorithm for reducing transient sounds, Int. J. Audiol. 57, 624-631 (2018).
550. M. Keshavarzi, T. Goehring, J. Zakis, R.E. Turner and B.C.J. Moore, Use of a deep recurrent neural network to reduce wind noise: Effects on judged speech intelligibility and sound quality, Trends Hear. 22, 1-12 (2018).
551. S.M.K. Madsen, T. Dau and B.C.J. Moore, Effect of harmonic rank on sequential sound segregation, Hear. Res. 367, 161-168 (2018).
552. A.N. Malicka, W.J. Wilson, T. Baer, K.J. Munro, R.J. Baker, D. Miluzzi and B.C.J. Moore, No evidence for enhanced processing of speech that is low-pass filtered near the edge frequency of cochlear dead regions in children, Int. J. Audiol. 57, 632-637 (2018).
553. J.E. Marriage, D.A. Vickers, T. Baer, B.R. Glasberg and B.C.J. Moore, Comparison of different hearing aid prescriptions for children, Ear Hear. 39, 20-31 (2018).
554. B.C.J. Moore, M.G. Heinz, L.D. Braida and A.C. Leger, Effects of age on sensitivity to interaural time differences in envelope and fine structure, individually and in combination, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 143, 1287-1296 (2018).
555. B.C.J. Moore, S. Mariathasan and A.P. Sęk, Effects of age on the discrimination of amplitude and frequency modulation for 2- and 10-Hz rates, Acta Acust. united Ac. 104, 778-782 (2018).
556. B.C.J. Moore, M. Jervis, L. Harries and J. Schlittenlacher, Testing and refining a loudness model for time-varying sounds incorporating binaural inhibition, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 143, 1504-1513 (2018).
557. V.K. Narne, L. Prabhu, B. Van Dun and B.C.J. Moore, Ripple glide direction discrimination and its relationship to frequency selectivity estimated using notched noise, Acta Acust. united Ac. 104, 1063-1074 (2018).
558. A.F. Nuttall, A.J. Ricci, G. Burwood, J.M. Harte, S. Stenfelt, P. Cayé-Thomasen, T. Ren, S. Ramamoorthy, Y. Zhang, T. Wilson, T. Lunner, B.C.J. Moore and A. Fridberger, A mechanism for detection of sound envelopes in the hearing organ, Nature Commun. (in press) (2018).
559. J. Schlittenlacher, R.E. Turner and B.C.J. Moore, Audiogram estimation using Bayesian active learning, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 144, 421-430 (2018).
560. J. Schlittenlacher, R.E. Turner and B.C.J. Moore, A hearing-model-based active-learning test for the determination of dead regions, Trends Hear. 22, 1-13 (2018).
561. D.A. Vickers, B.C.J. Moore, A.A. Majeed, N. Stephenson, T. Baer and J.E. Marriage, Closed set speech discrimination tests for assessing young children, Ear Hear. 39, 20-31 (2018).
562. N. Wallaert, L. Varnet, B.C.J. Moore and C. Lorenzi, Sensorineural hearing loss impairs sensitivity but spares temporal integration for detection of frequency modulation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 144, 720-733 (2018).
563. H. Aazh, M. Landgrebe, A.A. Danesh and B.C.J. Moore, Cognitive behavioral therapy for alleviating the distress caused by tinnitus, hyperacusis and misophonia: Current perspectives, Psychol. Res. Behav. Manag. 12, 991-1002 (2019).
564. H. Aazh, D.M. Baguley and B.C.J. Moore, Factors related to insomnia in adult patients with tinnitus and/or hyperacusis: An exploratory analysis, J. Am. Acad. Audiol. 30, 802-809 (2019).
565. H. Aazh, A.A. Danesh and B.C.J. Moore, Parental mental health in childhood as a risk factor for anxiety and depression among people seeking help for tinnitus and hyperacusis, J. Am. Acad. Audiol. 30, 772-780 (2019).
566. H. Aazh, C. Bryant and B.C.J. Moore, Patients’ perspectives about the acceptability and effectiveness of audiologist-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for tinnitus and/or hyperacusis rehabilitation, Am. J. Audiol. 28, 973-985 (2019).
567. H. Aazh and B.C.J. Moore, Tinnitus loudness and the severity of insomnia: A mediation analysis, Int. J. Audiol. 58, 208-212 (2019).
568. T.L. Arbogast, B.C.J. Moore, S. Puria, D. Dundas, J. Brimacombe, B. Edwards and S. Carr Levy, Achieved gain and subjective outcomes for a wide-bandwidth contact hearing aid fitted using CAM2, Ear Hear. 40, 741-756 (2019).
569. T. Goehring, M. Keshavarzi, R.P. Carlyon and B.C.J. Moore, Using recurrent neural networks to improve the perception of speech in non-stationary noise by people with cochlear implants, PsyArXiv Preprints (2019).
570. T. Goehring, M. Keshavarzi, R.P. Carlyon and B.C.J. Moore, Using recurrent neural networks to improve the perception of speech in non-stationary noise by people with cochlear implants, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146, 705-718 (2019).
571. A. Hosseinzadeh, S. Kamran Kamrava, B.C.J. Moore, R.J. Reiter, H. Ghaznavi, M. Kamalif and S. Mehrzadi, Molecular aspects of melatonin treatment in tinnitus: A review, Current Drug Targets 20, 1112-1128 (2019).
572. C. Jurado, D. Gordillo and B.C.J. Moore, On the loudness of low-frequency sounds with fluctuating amplitudes, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146, 1142-1149 (2019).
573. M. Keshavarzi, T. Goehring, R.E. Turner and B.C.J. Moore, Comparison of effects on subjective speech intelligibility and sound quality of two algorithms for reducing babble: A deep recurrent neural network and spectral subtraction, J. Acoust. Soc. Am.145, 1493-1503 (2019).
574. B.C.J. Moore and A. Sęk, Discrimination of the phase of amplitude modulation applied to different carriers: Effects of modulation rate and modulation depth for young and older subjects, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146, 1696-1704 (2019).
575. B.C.J. Moore and Vinay, Effect of age on envelope regularity discrimination, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146, 1207-1211 (2019).
576. B.C.J. Moore, S. Mariathasan and A.P. Sęk, Effects of age and hearing loss on the discrimination of amplitude and frequency modulation for 2- and 10-Hz rates, Trends Hear. 23, 1-12 (2019).
577. B.C.J. Moore, A. Sęk, Vinay and C. Füllgrabe, Envelope regularity discrimination, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 145, 2861-2870 (2019).
578. B.C.J. Moore, S. Shaw, S. Griffiths, M.A. Stone and Z. Sherlock, Evaluation of a system for enhancing mobile telephone communication for people with hearing loss, Int. J. Audiol. 58, 417-426 (2019).
579. B.C.J. Moore, J. Wan, A. Varathanathan, S. Naddell and T. Baer, No effect of musical training on frequency selectivity estimated using three methods, Trends Hear. 23, 1-9 (2019).
580. B.C.J. Moore, The roles of temporal envelope and fine structure information in auditory perception, Acoust. Sci. Tech. 40, 61-83 (2019).
581. V.K. Narne, P.J. Antony, T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Effect of ripple repetition rate on discrimination of ripple glide direction and the detection of brief tones in spectro-temporal ripple noise, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 145, 2401-2408 (2019).
582. M. Salorio-Corbetto, T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Comparison of frequency transposition and frequency compression for people with extensive dead regions in the cochlea, Trends Hear. 23, 2331216518822206 (2019).
583. E. Tarnowska, A. Wicher and B.C.J. Moore, The effect of musical training, contralateral noise, and ear of presentation on the detection of changes in temporal fine structure, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146, 1-10 (2019).
584. E. Verschooten, S. Shamma, A.J. Oxenham, B.C.J. Moore, P.X. Joris, M.G. Heinz and C.J. Plack, The upper frequency limit for the use of phase locking to code temporal fine structure in humans: A compilation of viewpoints, Hear. Res. 377, 109-121 (2019).
585. H. Aazh, B.K. Puri and B.C.J. Moore, Parental separation and parental mental health in childhood and risk of insomnia in adulthood among patients with tinnitus, J. Am. Acad. Audiol. 31, 217-223 (2020).
586. H. Aazh, M. Heinonen-Guzejev and B.C.J. Moore, The relationship between hearing loss and insomnia for patients with tinnitus, Int. J. Audiol. 59, 68-72 (2020).
587. E. Aggius-Vella, A.J. Kolarik, M. Gori, S. Cirstea, C. Campus, B.C.J. Moore and S. Pardhan, Comparison of auditory spatial bisection and minimum audible angle in front, lateral, and back space, Scientific Reports 10, Article 6279 (2020).
588. C. Füllgrabe, M. Moody and B.C.J. Moore, No evidence for a link between noise exposure and auditory temporal processing for young adults with normal audiograms, JASA Express Letters 147, EL465-EL470 (2020).
589. H. Gockel, B.C.J. Moore and R.P. Carlyon, Pitch perception at very high frequencies: On psychometric functions and integration of frequency information, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 148, 3322-3333 (2020).
590. A.J. Kolarik, R. Raman, B.C.J. Moore, S. Cirstea, S. Gopalakrishnan and S. Pardhan, The accuracy of auditory spatial judgments in the visually impaired is dependent on sound source distance, Scientific Reports 10, Article 7169 (2020).
591. A.J. Kolarik, B.C. Moore, R. Raman, S. Cirstea, S. Gopalakrishnan and S. Pardhan, Greater severity of visual loss is associated with larger auditory distance judgments, with poorer accuracy for closer sounds, Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 61, 4268 (2020).
592. B.C.J. Moore, Computational models for predicting sound quality, Acoust. Sci. Tech. 41, 75-82 (2020).
593. B.C.J. Moore, Diagnosis and quantification of military noise-induced hearing loss, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 148, 884-894 (2020).
594. V.K. Narne, S. Jain, C. Sharma, T. Baer and B.C.J. Moore, Narrow-band ripple glide direction discrimination and its relationship to frequency selectivity estimated using psychophysical tuning curves, Hear. Res. 389, 107910 (2020).
595. M. Salorio-Corbetto, T. Baer, M.A. Stone and B.C.J. Moore, Effect of the number of amplitude-compression channels and compression speed on speech recognition by subjects with mild to moderate sensorineural hearing loss, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 147, 1344-1358 (2020).
596. J. Schlittenlacher, R.E. Turner and B.C.J. Moore, Application of Bayesian active learning to the estimation of auditory filter shapes using the notched-noise method, Trends Hear. 24, 1-13 (2020).
597. J. Schlittenlacher, R.E. Turner and B.C.J. Moore, Development of a deep neural network for speeding up a model of loudness for time-varying sounds, Trends Hear. 24, 1-10 (2020).
598. J. Schlittenlacher and B.C.J. Moore, Fast estimation of equal-loudness contours using Bayesian active learning and direct scaling, Acoust. Sci. Tech. 41, 358-360 (2020).
599. A.P. Sęk and B.C.J. Moore, Software package for psychoacoustics, Acoust. Sci. Tech. 41, 67-74 (2020).
600. E. Tarnowska, A. Wicher and B.C.J. Moore, No influence of musicianship on the effect of contralateral stimulation on frequency selectivity, Trends Hear. 24, 1-9 (2020).
601. Vinay, Sandhya and B.C.J. Moore, Effect of age, test frequency and level on thresholds for the TEN(HL) test for people with normal hearing, Int. J. Audiol. 59, 915-920 (2020).
602. S. Willis, B.C.J. Moore, J.J. Galvin III and Q.-J. Fu, Effects of noise on the integration of acoustic and electric hearing within and across ears, PLoS One 15, e0240752 (2020).
603. H. Aazh, A. Danesh and B.C.J. Moore, Internal consistency and convergent validity of the Inventory of Hyperacusis Symptoms, Ear Hear. 42, 917-926 (2021).
604. H. Aazh, J. Stevens and B.C.J. Moore, Preliminary examination of the incidence of and factors related to hearing tinnitus in dreams, J. Am. Acad. Audiol. 32, 76-82 (2021).
605. H. Aazh, W. Swanepoel de and B.C.J. Moore, Telehealth tinnitus therapy during the COVID-19 outbreak in the UK: uptake and related factors, Int. J. Audiol. 60, 322-327 (2021).
606. S.A. Flanagan, B.C.J. Moore, A.M. Wilson, F.C. Gabrielczyk, A. MacFarlane, K. Mandke and U. Goswami, Development of binaural temporal fine structure sensitivity in children, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 150, 2967-2976 (2021).
607. C. Füllgrabe, A.P. Sęk and B.C.J. Moore, Forward masking of amplitude modulation across ears and its tuning in the modulation domain, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 149, 1764-1771 (2021).
608. C. Füllgrabe, A.P. Sęk and B.C.J. Moore, Frequency selectivity in the modulation domain estimated using forward masking: Effects of masker modulation depth and masker-signal delay, Hear. Res. 405, 108244 (2021).
609. C. Jurado, M. Larrea and B.C.J. Moore, The lower limit of pitch perception for sinusoids and low-frequency complex sounds, Arch. Acoust. 46, 459-469 (2021).
610. M. Keshavarzi, T. Reichenbach and B.C.J. Moore, Transient noise reduction using a deep recurrent neural network: Effects on subjective speech intelligibility and comfort, Trends Hear. 25, 1-14 (2021).
611. A.J. Kolarik, B.C.J. Moore, S. Cirstea, E. Aggius-Vella, M. Gori, C. Campus and S. Pardhan, Factors affecting auditory estimates of virtual room size: Effects of stimulus, level, and reverberation, Perception 50, 646-663 (2021).
612. A.J. Kolarik, S. Pardhan and B.C.J. Moore, A framework to account for the effects of visual loss on human auditory abilities, Psych. Rev. 128, 913-935 (2021).
613. A.J. Kolarik, R. Raman, B.C.J. Moore, S. Cirstea, S. Gopalakrishnan and S. Pardhan, Partial visual loss disrupts the relationship between judged room size and sound source distance, Exp. Brain Res. (in press) (2021).
614. D. Lowe and B.C.J. Moore, Audiometric assessment of hearing loss sustained during military service, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 150, 1030-1043 (2021).
615. B.C.J. Moore, The effect of exposure to noise during military service on the subsequent progression of hearing loss, Int. J. Environ. Res. Pub. Health 18, 2436 (2021).
616. B.C.J. Moore, Effects of hearing loss and age on the binaural processing of temporal envelope and temporal fine structure information, Hear. Res. 402, 107991 (2021).
617. B.C.J. Moore and P. von Gablenz, Sensitivity and specificity of a method for diagnosis of military noise-induced hearing loss, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 149, 62-65 (2021).
618. N. Samardzic and B.C.J. Moore, Binaural speech-to-noise loudness ratio at the speech reception threshold in noisy mobile communication environments, Noise Control Eng. J. 69, 173-179 (2021).
619. H. Aazh, J. Ballinger, C. Hayes, A. Pepler, K. Lammaing, B.C.J. Moore, A.A. Danesh and S. Vitoratou, Psychometric evaluation of a patient experience questionnaire (PEQ) for outpatient appointments: Analysis using data from a UK National Health Service Audiology Department, J. Am. Acad. Audiol. (in press) (2022).
620. H. Aazh, A. Danesh and B.C.J. Moore, Self-reported tinnitus severity prior to and during the COVID-19 lockdown in the UK, J. Am. Acad. Audiol. (in press) (2022).
621. M. Keshavarzi, M. Salorio-Corbetto, T. Reichenbach, J. Marriage and B.C.J. Moore, Development of new open-set speech material for use in clinical audiology, (submitted) (2022).
622. B.C.J. Moore and D.A. Lowe, Does exposure to noise during military service affect the progression of hearing loss with increasing age?, Trends Hear. (in press) (2022).
623. B.C.J. Moore, Listening to music through hearing aids: Potential lessons for cochlear implants, Trends Hear. (in press) (2022).