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Journal Articles:

  • Madsen, J.*, de-Wit, L.* Ayton, P., Brick, C., de-Moliere, L. & Groom C. (2024). Behavioural science should start by assuming people are reasonable. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. *Joint First Author
  • Mahieux, E., de-Wit, L., Otten, L., Devlin, J., & Wicha N. (2024, in press). The N400 captures naunces in political preferences. Scientific Reports.
  • Tartaglione, J. & de-Wit (2024, in press). How the manner in which data is visulaized affects and corrects (mis)perceptions of political polarization. British Journal of Social Psychology
  • Young, D. & de-Wit (2024). Within Party Affective Polarization. Political Psychology
  • Ghai, S., de-Wit, L., Mak, Y. (2023). How we investigated the diversity of our undergraduate corriculum. Nature
  • Buchanan, T, Ackland, J., Lloyd, S. van der Linden, S., de-Wit, L. (2022). Clear consensus among international public for government action at COP26: Patriotic and public health frames produce marginal gains in support. Climatic Change
  • Brick, C., Hood, B., Ekroll, V., de-Wit, L. (2022). Illusory Essences: A bias holding back theorizing in psychological science. Perspectives on Psychological Science.  Illusory essences: A bias holding back theorizing in psychological science
  • Walker, C., O’Neill, S., de-Wit, L., & Isham, E. (2020). Evidence of Psychological Targeting but not Psychological Tailoring in Political Persuasion Around Brexit. Experimental Results1.
  • El Zein, M., Seikus, C., de-Wit, L., & Bahrami, B. (2020). Punishing the individual or the group for norm violation. Wellcome Open Research4(139), 139.
  • Rollwage, M., Zmigrod, L. de-Wit, L., Dolan, R., Fleming, S. (2019). What underlies political polarization? A manifesto for computational political psychology. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 
  • Lewis, G. & de-Wit L. (2019). How many ways to say goodbye? The latent class structure and psychological correlates of European Union sentiment in a large sample of UK adults. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 7 (1), 556-576.

For a full list of Lee de-Wit’s publications see Google Scholar 

Recent Blog Posts: 

  • de-Wit, L. (2021). Politics is no longer about left or right, as the Tories have realised to their advantage. The Guardian. 

  • Buchana, T, de-Wit, L, & Renwick, A. (2019). What policy do British voters want on EU immigration? Is there a hidden consensus? LSE Brexit Blog.

  • de-Wit, L., Brick, C., Van der Linden, S. (2019). What Are the Solutions to Political Polarization? Published by the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley. 




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