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Department of Psychology


The Postgraduate Education Programme (PEP) is provided by the Department of Psychology as a means by which postgraduate students can improve their skills and knowledge parallel to their ongoing research projects.

There is no single set-in-stone curriculum for all postgraduate students within the Department of Psychology. Instead, the PEP aims to provide a range of options to allow each student to work on the skills and knowledge that is most relevant to them. However, there are some types of skills that are important for all students, and it is beneficial for all students to continue to learn about psychology as a whole. As such, there are some compulsory elements of the PEP, alongside a wide range of non-compulsory options.

There are two main elements of the PEP: Courses and Seminars, and Reports.

Courses and Seminars include Inductions and Safety courses, Statistics and research skills courses and various Psychology Subject Lectures and Seminars. Some of these are compulsory, others are optional. Details of this training must be recorded in the log book.

Reports enable the Department and School of Biological Sciences to keep track of students’ progress throughout the course. PhD students are considered to be “probationary” in their first year until they have submitted a First Year Report (FYR)  (of between 4000 and 6000 words) and passed a viva. They will later be required to submit much shorter second and third year reports summarising progress and plans. MPhil students are required to submit their progress report in January. These reports are compulsory.

Please access the Department of Psychology Student Hub for details about Courses, Seminars and Reports.