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Department of Psychology

Name Office phone Job titles
Claudia Lage PhD student
Professor Michael Lamb Emeritus Professor , Emeritus Fellow, Editor, Journal of Psychology, Public Policy and Law., Former President and Council Representative, Division 7 (Developmental Psychology), American Psychological Association.
Willa Lane PhD student
Neil Lavie-Driver PhD student
Dr Rebecca Lawson Professor of Neuroscience and Computational Psychiatry, Sir Henry Dale Fellow, Bye-Fellow at PeterHouse College, rl337[at]
Pui in Charmaine Lee MPhil in Biological Science (Psychology)
Kieran Lee 07766578613 PhD student
Evan Lewis-Healey PhD student
Liz (Yuanxi) Li Research Associate
Keith Liang PhD Student
Kate Limond Teaching and General Office Administrator
Lynne Ling PhD student
Professor Brian Little Distinguished Scholar
Qiying Liu PhD student
Dr Sarah Lloyd-Fox Principle Research Associate, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, sl868[at]
Fiona Lyall Grant +44 (0)1223 (3)30782 Assistant Department Administrator and HR Coordinator