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PhD candidate; Applied Devleopmental Psychology Research Group; Forensic Interviewing

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Research Interests

My research interests revolve around understanding the legal system from a psychological standpoint. In particular, I want to understand why people are wrongfully convicted (and in Texas, put on death row) and what we can change in the system to prevent this injustice from happening. My thesis at The University of Texas examined jury bias in regards to race and family situation and at Cambridge, Dr. Lamb and I will be investigating the cross examination of children in the legal system.

Funding & Awards

Cambridge Trust International Scholarship

Publications & Presentations

Henderson, H. M. (2013, April). "It's a good time to be a woman": The story of
     Lady Bird Johnson and her Whistlestop Campaign. Austin, TX: Lyndon B.
     Johnson Presidential Archives.

Henderson, H.M., & Rose, M. (2014, June).  Jury perception of courtroom audience. Invited to present at 33rd Annual Conference of the American Society of Trial Consultants, Asheville, NC.; Selected to present at Liberal Arts Dean’s Reception,  Liberal Arts Honor’s Reception, and Psychology Honor’s Reception.


Applied Developmental Psychology Research Group