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Are you planning a new family? 

Have you recently had a child through assisted reproduction?

More and more people are having children with the help of assistive reproduction technologies (ART). These families are not sufficiently represented in research into family development. For policy to reflect reality more research needs to include families assisted through ARTs. 

Here at the University of Cambridge we are interested in the journeys new families (PARENTS WITH THEIR FIRST CHILD) take during the baby’s first year of life.

We are inviting gay, lesbian and heterosexual couples based in the UK, France or the Netherlands, who used donor insemination (DI), IVF or surrogacy to conceive their child to take part in the New Parents Study.

Information about taking part is contained within this leaflet. If you have any further questions, please contact us at, call on +44(0)1223 767 807 or click here to request more information.

For a parent's perspective on why they wanted to be part of the New Parents Study, and what it was like to participate, please see the video on this page. 


Applied Developmental Psychology Research Group