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Department of Psychology

Recruitment of Postgraduate Students

Postgraduate Application and Funding Guidelines

Postgraduate admissions interview policy

Pre-interview WP Form

Postgraduate Interview Form

Postgraduate Supervisor declaration - PhD

Postgraduate Supervisor declaration - MPhil


Supervising of Postgraduate Students

Code of Practice for Research students

Working whilst studying guidance

Framework for Postgraduate Supervisors

Information on supervising postgraduate students (Moodle)

PG student parental leave policy


Student Support Staff Advice Line

The Student Support Staff Advice Line provides advice, guidance or debrief to student-facing staff members. The line is staffed by trained mental health and wellbeing professionals from within the Student Support Department. 

Full details on the advice line can be found at this link

Phone number: 01223 768561. Please do not share this number with students.

Operating hours: The line is open 24 hours a day during term time plus a week either side of term. This includes weekends. 

  • outside of term time: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday 
  • Michaelmas Term: 24 hours a day from 9am on Monday 25 September 2023 until 6pm on Monday 4 December 2023 

Our advice line can help with:  

  • advice or guidance in managing a student presenting in distress 
  • debrief following an interaction with a student reporting or presenting with mental health concerns 
  • advice on engagement, actions and a plan relating to a student who requires mental health or wellbeing support