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Department of Psychology

Schematic image by Arne Meyer, John O'Keefe and Jasper Poort

New paper in Current Biology by Dr Jasper Poort shows that mouse and human eye movements share some important similarities


How do mice use eye and head movements during vision? In a study published in Current Biology, Arne Meyer, John O'Keefe and Jasper Poort used a lightweight tracking system to measure eye and head movement during vision in freely behaving mice.  They discover that eye movements are explained by two distinct types that are always coupled to head movement. The first type helps the animal to compensate for changes in head tilt. The second type allows the animal to shift and stabilize their gaze, similar to humans.


➤ See news story for more background


➤ Full paper (open access)


Find out more about Jasper Poort's research in the Selective Vision Lab page



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