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Department of Psychology

Destroying Memories: Why Would This Improve Our Mental Health?

Dr Amy Milton will be speaking at the TED x Cambridge University conference ‘Turn the Page’ on March 16th.

Dr Milton will discuss some of the research conducted by the Memories in Neuropsychiatric Disorders (MiND) Lab.


More information on the conference and other speakers is available on the TEDx Cambridge University website.

Some tickets are still available to undergraduate students 


Amy is the Director of the Memories in Neuropsychiatric Disorders (MiND) Lab in the Department of Psychology, and the Ferreras-Willetts Fellow in Neuroscience at Downing College, Cambridge. Her research focuses on how emotional memories form, persist, and can be updated in the brain, and aims to use this knowledge to develop new therapies for mental health disorders such as drug addiction and post-traumatic stress disorder.