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Department of Psychology

Research shows that personality predicts a person's tendency to stay home during the pandemic. Published on the American Psychologist by Friedrich M. Götz and Andrés Gvirtz, from the Department of Psychology and Adam D. Galinsky, Columbia University and Jon M. Jachimowicz, Harvard University. 


"Extroverts...were most likely to break lockdown rules, and stayed at home less than people of any other personality type during March and April" - Friedrich Götz


The researchers suggest that public health messages could be tailored towards extroverts, to encourage greater compliance with lockdown rules in the population as a whole. They suggest that such messages could try to convey an understanding of how hard it is to stay at home - particularly for people who really enjoy being with their friends and family - and point out that the guidance is in place to protect those people

Read Full article published by the research press, University of Cambridge.



Götz, F.M. et al: ‘How Personality and Policy Predict Pandemic Behaviour: Understanding Sheltering-in-Place in 55 Countries at the Onset of COVID-19.’ American Psychologist, 2020. DOI: 10.1037/amp0000740


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